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Saving your favourite medications
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If you often prescribe certain medications, you can add these as your favourites so that you can prescribe them more quickly in the future.

Any medication favourites you create are available to only yourself. Other users cannot see or use your medication favourites.

You can include a short form name for your favourite medications. The short name appears along with the full medication name when viewing your favourites from My Favourites or when searching for a medication when prescribing. This allows you to more easily identify the appropriate favourite in the list.

๐Ÿ“Œ Note: You cannot have duplicate short form names.

There are two ways to create prescription favourites:

  • from the patient chart, while you are adding a prescription for a patient, or

  • from the My Favourite Medications prescription settings.

๐Ÿ“Œ Note: When you add a prescription favourite from the prescription settings, no interaction or dosage checking is performed until you prescribe the favourite.

Steps to save a favourite while prescribing

1. Start a prescription as you normally would. See Creating prescriptions for more information.

2. After you have entered the medication details, but before saving, select the Save to my favourites checkbox.

3. In the Favourite Display Name field type a short form name.

๐Ÿ“Œ Note: The Favourite Display Name has a maximum of 25 characters.

4. If required, in the Additional Instructions field, add the any additional details.

5. The medication name and dosage instructions are saved for future use. See Prescribing your favourite medications for more information.

Steps to create your favourite from the prescription settings

1. From the main menu, select Settings > Prescription.

2. Click New Favourite Medication.

3. In the window that appears, complete the prescription as you normally would. See Creating prescriptions for more information.

4. In the Favourite Display Name field type a short form name.

๐Ÿ“Œ Note: The Favourite Display Name has a maximum of 25 characters.

5. Click Save when you are finished.

6. The new favourite medication appears in the list of My Favourite Medications and is available for future use. See Prescribing your favourite medications for more information.
๐Ÿ“Œ Note: When you create a prescription and you search for the medication, your clinic-wide medication formulary as well as your My favourite medications appear at the top of the list. Your favourite medications are marked with a heart icon and your clinic-wide medications with a star icon. You have the option to remove your clinic-wide medication formulary that appears at the top of the list. From the Prescription setting, select Exclude Formulary medications from the medications search results.

Updated July 17, 2023

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