We have converted our native "Data Slice Exports" to our Analytics engine for a more user friendly experience. These include exports on the following areas in the platform:
Patient Data
The "Appointments" report includes the following fields:
Appointment ID: use to jump into the patient chart
Created From Public (Yes/No): was this appointment requested online by a patient
Cancelled (Yes/No): appointment has the status of "cancelled" or an appointment requested by the patient was "rejected"
Cancelled Time: when the appointment's status was changed "cancelled" or when an appointment requested by the patient was "rejected"
Checked In Time: when the appointment's status was changed to "arrived"
Group Visit ID: if this appointment was a "Group Visit" type
Location ID: the ID associated with the appointment's location
Location Name: the name of the location the appointment was booked under
Practitioner ID: user ID of the person the appointment is booked with
Practitioner: the user the appointment was booked under
Appointment Type ID: the ID associated with the appointment type of the appointment
Appointment Type: name of the associated appointment type
Presenting Issue ID: the ID associated with the linked templated "presenting issue"
Presenting Issue: the linked templated "presenting issue" if applicable
Reason: the "presenting issue" associated with the Appointment or linked Encounter note
Note: free text found in the appointment “note” section
Referring Practitioner: referring doctor listed in the patient's chart
Patient ID: use to jump into the patient chart
Room ID: ID associated with the room the appointment was assigned to
Room: name associated with the room the appointment was assigned to
Created Time: time the appointment was created
Start Time: time the appointment was scheduled for
Until Time: time the appointment was scheduled to end at
Status: appointment status currently assigned to the appointment
Updated Time: last time the appointment was updated
Virtual Encounter ID: if the appointment was linked to virtual encounter
Visit Type: either "physical or virtual"
The "Appointment Types" report includes the following fields:
ID: ID associated with the Appointment Type
Created Time: time the Appointment Type was created
Active (Yes/No): is the Appointment Type currently in your settings or has it been deleted
Long Description: long description free text associated with the Appointment Type settings
Short Description: short description free text associated with the Appointment Type settings
Name: name of the Appointment Type
Require Primary Practitioner (Yes/No): when a patient goes to request an appointment online for this Appointment Type does the request need to be with their primary practitioner assigned in their chart
Slot Length: the templated amount of time in minutes associated with the Appointment Type
Updated Time: the last time the Appointment Type settings were updated
The "Cases" report includes the following fields:
Case ID: ID associated with the individual case
Case Template ID: ID associated with the case template
Template Name: name of the template applied to the case
Assigned Provider ID: ID associated with the user "assigned" to the case
Assigned Practitioner: name of the user "assigned" to the case
Case Number: unique number assigned to the case
Created Time: time the case was created
Closed Time: time the case was closed
Closed Provider User ID: ID associated with the user that "closed" the case
Closed Provider: name of the user that "closed" the case
Issue: free text for the reason of the case
Opened Time: time the case was "opened"
Reported Closed Time: time the case was "reported closed"
Patient ID: unique ID assigned to the patient associated with the case
Case Status: whether the case is "open" or "closed"
Updated Time: the last time the case was updated
The "Encounters" report includes the following fields:
Encounter ID: ID associated with the encounter note
Created Time: time the encounter note was created
Created Provider User ID: ID associated with the user that created the encounter note
Created Provider User: name of the user that created the encounter
Concern: title of the encounter note, can be free text or linked to a presenting issue
Appointment ID: ID of the linked appointment if applicable
History: text found in the "history" section of the note
Physical Exam Data: data found in the "vitals" tab of the "Examination" section of the note
Physical Exam: text found in the "examination" section of the note
Assessment and Plan: text found in the "assessment and plan" section of the note
Locked (Yes/No): whether or not the encounter note has been signed
Locked Time: time the encounter note was signed
Locked Provider User ID: ID associated with the user that signed the encounter
Signed By: the name of the user that signed the encounter
Prescriptions Data: data associated with any prescriptions that were created directly from the encounter note
Presenting Issue ID: ID associated with the presenting issue template linked to the encounter note
Presenting Issue: name of the presenting issue template linked to the encounter
Respondent Case ID: ID of the case linked to the encounter note
Patient ID: unique ID associated with the patient the encounter note is associated with
Seen Time: either the created time of the encounter or the linked appointment start time
Signature ID: unique ID associated with the signature on the signed note
Signed Provider User Data: the ID, title, name, and license number of the user that signed the note
Updated Time: last time the note was updated
The "Patients" report includes the following fields:
ID: unique patient ID, use this jump into the patient chart
Created Date: date the patient was created
Full Name: full name of the patient
PHIN: primary identification number
Gender: gender of the patient
Date of Birth: date of birth of the patient
Primary Practitioner: primary practitioner assigned in the patient's chart
Phone: cell phone number entered in the patient's chart
Email: email entered in the patient's chart
Notify By: notification method set in the patient's chart, either email, SMS, both or none
City: city entered in the patient's address section in their chart
Family Doctor: contact assigned in the family doctor section of the patient's chart
Referring Doctor: contact assigned in the referring doctor section of the patient's chart
Patient Data
The "Patients" report includes the following fields:
Patients ID: unique patient ID, use this jump into the patient chart
Primary Identification Name: name of the primary identification assigned to the patient's chart (ex. MSP, OHIP)
Primary Identification Value: value of the primary identification assigned to the patient's chart (ex. MSP, OHIP)
Gender: gender of the patient
Referring Practitioner Title: title of the contact assigned to the patient's referring doctor section in their chart
Referring Practitioner First Name: first name of the contact assigned to the patient's referring doctor section in their chart
Referring Practitioner Last Name: last name of the contact assigned to the patient's referring doctor section in their chart
Referring Practitioner Billing Code: billing code of the contact assigned to the patient's referring doctor section in their chart
Referring Practitioner License Number: license number of the contact assigned to the patient's referring doctor section in their chart
Date of Birth: date of birth of the patient
Patient First Name: patient's first name
Patient Preferred Name: patient's preferred name
Patient Last Name: patient's last name
Notify By: notification method set in the patient's chart, either email, SMS, both or none
Searchable Name: directory path of the patient data (Category|Property|Entity)
Value: the most recent value for that searchable name in the occurred date (when entered) range set in the filter
The "Practitioners" report includes the following fields:
Practitioner ID: unique ID associated with the user
Deactivated (Yes/No): whether the user has been deactivated or not
Billing Number: billing number assigned to that user
Created Time: time the user was created
Last Sign In Time: last time the user signed into the platform
Email: email associated with the user, used to log into the platform
Title: title of the user
Full Name: full name of the user
Position: position associated with the user
Has Inbox (Yes/No): user has an inbox in the platform
Has Schedule (Yes/No): user has the ability to own a schedule in the platform
License Number: licence number assigned to that user
Phone Number: phone number assigned to that user
Sign In Count: count of how many times a user has signed into the platform
Two Factor Enabled (Yes/No): does the user have two factor security enabled for their account
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