Referral Status: the current status associated with the referral (Draft, Requested, Accepted etc.)
Waitlist: the waiting list associated with the referral
Referral Date: the date the referral was added
Service Provider: name of the service provider/practitioner associated with the referral
Ordering Provider: name of the ordering provider/practitioner associated with the referral
Waiting Days: number of days between referral added date and today
Presenting issue: the presenting issue template associated with the referral
Booked Appointment: the start date of the booked appointment (default value is null because we are looking at referrals that do not have an appointment)
Archived: the archived status of the referral (default value is no because we are looking at 'active' referrals)
Referral Type: Incoming, Outgoing or Internal
Open Total
This tile displays the number of referrals that are open (not booked for an appointment).
Average Waiting Times (Days)
This tile displays the average waiting time which is calculated as the difference between referral added date and the present day, if no associated appointment has been booked.
Total > 3 Months
This tile displays the number of open referrals that have been waiting more than 90 days.
Total > 6 Months
This tile displays the number of open referrals that have been waiting more than 180 days.
Total > 9 Months
This tile displays the number of open referrals that have been waiting more than 270 days.
Total > 1 Year
This tile displays the number of open referrals that have been waiting more than 365 days.
Weeks Waiting
This bar graph displays the number of open referrals (y-axis) by waiting time divided by week ranges (x-axis). The total number of all referrals should match with the above "Open Total" tile.
Monthly Referrals Added by Provider
This tile displays a line graph with the number of open referrals (y-axis) by month of added date (x-axis). Each service provider will have a line of a different color. The total number of all referrals should match with the above "Open Total" tile.
Referrals by Provider
This bar graph displays the number of open referrals (y-axis) by service provider (x-axis). The total number of all referrals should match with the above "Open Total" tile.
Referrals by Status
This bar graph displays the number of open referrals (y-axis) by the status associated to the referrals (x-axis). The total number of all referrals should match with the above "Open Total" tile.
Referrals by Priority
This bar graph displays the number of open referrals (y-axis) by the priority associated to the referrals (x-axis). The total number of all referrals should match with the above "Open Total" tile.
Referrals by Presenting Issue
This pie chart displays the percentage of open referrals (y-axis) by presenting issue (x-axis). This requires the use of presenting issue templates in the referral records.
Referrals by Wait List
This pie chart displays the percentage of open referrals (y-axis) by the waiting list associated to the referrals (x-axis).
Age Tier
This bar graph displays the number of open referrals (y-axis) by the age range of patients (x-axis). The total number of all referrals should match with the above "Open Total" tile.
This pie chart displays the percentage and number of open referrals (y-axis) by patient's gender (x-axis).
Referral Report
This table displays details of relevant referral records that have been narrowed down by the filters used in the dashboard (like all tiles). The Referral Link can be used to open up patient's referrals in their chart. Like most tiles in this dashboard, the number of rows should match the first tile called "Open Total".
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