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Sending referral acceptance/rejection/waitlist letters
Sending referral acceptance/rejection/waitlist letters

Notify the referring provider with a letter indicating your acceptance, rejection, or waitlisting of the referred patient

Updated over 10 months ago

When you receive incoming referrals, you can send acceptance, rejection, or waitlisted letters to the ordering provider to communicate with them about whether you can see their patient. You can integrate the action of sending these letters within your referral workflow by configuring your referral statuses to use a required action of sending these letters.

For example, when you assign a status of Accepted to an incoming referral, you can add the required action Send acceptance letter (Incoming only). For more information, see Configuring incoming referral statuses.

In addition, you can assign a specific letter template to the action to customize the letters that you send. For more information, see Assigning letter templates to incoming referral statuses.


  1. Open a referral.

  2. Under Required Actions, for the Send an acceptance letter, Send a rejection letter, or Send a Waitlisted letter action, click Send.

    A letter window opens and patient data is automatically populated.

  3. Edit the letter contents and recipient, as required, and click Send.

  4. In the PDF Settings window, choose whether to use a cover page and click Generate PDF.

  5. From the generated PDF, in the top-right corner, click the Fax or Email button to send the letter to the recipient.
    📌 Note: If you click the email icon, an email window appears where you can add the recipient email, subject, and a message (or message Template).

  6. Once the above is completed, you can move onto the next required action or save the referral.

Updated May 29, 2024

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