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CHR Release Notes - version 22.2

February 16, 2022

Updated over 2 years ago


Sorting your CHR Inbox

By popular request, you can now control how items are sorted in the Inbox. For example, you may want them sorted by sender or by type of inbox item.

At the top-right of your Inbox, click the filter icon to view your sort options. You can sort the inbox by Priority, Date received, or alphabetically by Sender, Type, or Title. You can further sort your items in ascending or descending order. For example, you can sort by priority to view items requiring immediate attention at the top or sort by type to view labs before Qnaire responses. For more information, see Sorting inbox items.

📌 Note: The sort settings are retained even when you navigate away from the inbox or logout and log back in to the CHR.

Loading Icon appears when searching for patients

You can now quickly tell whether the CHR is still responding to your patient search. When searching for patients, visual feedback now appears showing the real-time status of your search query. The Searching patient... message shows that the CHR is looking for patients matching your search criteria. However, a Not found message appears when no matching patients are found.

Ontario - Provincial billing improvement

All Ontario-based providers can now bill B (surgical assist) and C (anesthesia) billing codes for services delivered at the clinic. We added the Start time, Finish time and Time Spent (Minutes) fields to the insured billing item window to accommodate billing requirements.

📌 Note: The Time spent field is not sent to MDBilling, only the entered Start and Finish time.

Bug Fixes

Below is a list of bugs we identified and fixed in this release. For more information, contact our TELUS Health support team.

  • In PEI, when adding a billing item from the patient chart or encounter, users are now able to edit the added billing items again.

  • In PEI, when receiving consolidated lab results at different times, the lab result names or titles are updated accordingly for all recipients.

  • In Manitoba, when opening a submitted and paid insured billing item, the paid amount no longer appears as $0.00.

What's new in the CHR help

CHR Tips and Tricks

Starting this month, we're launching a new and exciting Tips & Tricks initiative to help you use the CHR to its full potential.

Scheduled time of update: Evening of February 15, 2022

No preparation is required in advance of the update. All CHR update activities are managed by TELUS Health via a zero-downtime rolling deployment in the CHR’s cloud infrastructure, which allows the system to operate without interruption of service during updates.

No data migration is required as part of this update.

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