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All CollectionsCHR Enterprise API
What was new in API in 2022
What was new in API in 2022
Updated over a week ago

Here are the improvements and fixes to the TELUS Collaborative Health Record (CHR) Enterprise API.

Version 22.24 - December 21, 2022


  • patients query: Patient administrative notes are now available as administrativeNotes via a subquery on the patient and patients query.

  • appointments query now supports the following additional filter argument as an array:

    • orderBy: allows you to order results by multiple criteria.

  • Enterprise API Settings: Restricting requests from an IP address range is now supported and configurable per API Consumer, by default no restriction is applied.

Version 22.23 - December 14, 2022

There are no updates to the Enterprise API in this version.

Version 22.22 - November 24, 2022


  • patients query:

    • The following records are now available via a subquery on the patient and patients query.

      • socialHistoryRecords

      • vitalsRecords

    • patients query now supports the additional argument of includeArchived. An archived patient is now returned in the patient query.

  • draftAppointment mutations:

    • createDraftAppointment mutation now supports creating a draft appointment.

    • updateDraftAppointment mutation now supports updating a draft appointment.

    • deleteDraftAppointment mutation now supports deleting a draft appointment.

  • appointment mutations: Now supports setting the notifyBy field for a specific notification method for the appointment.

  • isRiskFactor argument: The following queries now support the isRiskFactor argument. When set to true, the query returns only records marked as a risk factor.

    • medicalHistoryRecords

    • surgicalHistoryRecords

    • familyHistoryRecords

Version 22.21 - November 11, 2022


  • patients query: The following records are now available via a subquery on the patient and patients query.

    • injectionRecords

    • medicationRecords

Version 22.20 - October 26, 2022


  • patients query:

    • Patient surgical history records are now available as surgicalHistoryRecords via a subquery on the patient and patients query.

    • Patient family history records are now available as familyHistoryRecords via a subquery on the patient and patients query.

  • The allergyRecord object now supports the reactionType field, defined as an enum.


  • Patients with a blank genderIdentity field are now returned with null value for genderIdentity, instead of an error.

Version 22.19 - October 11, 2022


  • patients query:

    • Patient medical history records are now available as MedicalHistoryRecords via a subquery on the patient and patients query.

    • Duplicate patient records are no longer returned when searching by identificationValue, when there are multiple matches to the search criteria.

  • The allergyRecords subquery now supports the following additional filter arguments: severity, returning allergy records marked with supplied severity.

  • For the appointment mutation, a minimal time interval of 5 min is now enforced for startAt and endAt.

Version 22.18 - September 28, 2022

There are no updates to the Enterprise API in this version.

Version 22.17 - September 16, 2022

  • Patient allergies are now available as AllergyRecords via a subquery on the patient and patients query.

Version 22.16 - August 31, 2022


  • The providerUser object now includes, hasInbox and hasSchedule fields. These fields indicate if the provider user is configured with an inbox or schedule, respectively.

Version 22.15 - August 19, 2022


  • The availabilities query returns a list of times available for a specific appointment type.

  • The userGroup query returns a list of all user groups configured within the account. Default sort order is by creation date, with oldest records first.

  • JWT credential support: Json Web Token is now the default authentication method. For more information, see CHR Enterprise API.

Version 22.14 - August 03, 2022

There are no updates to the Enterprise API in this version.

Version 22.13 - July 20, 2022

There are no updates to the Enterprise API in this version.

Version 22.12 - July 06, 2022


  • The createAppointmentInput mutation now supports the following field:

    • patientId

    📌 Note: You can include only one of either respondentId or patientId in a mutation. The respondentId is deprecated but will remain available for sometime to support transition to patientId.


  • Appointments with null fields are now returned with the non-null fields provided and the null fields marked as null.

Version 22.11 - June 22, 2022


  • The schedules query returns the schedule (work hours and off time) for a list of providers, limited to a calendar week. The to argument can't be greater than the Saturday following the from argument.

    📌 Note: due to how work hours and off time interact, it is important to request both to ensure you capture the configured off time.

  • The facilities query returns a list of facilities, with cursor-based pagination.

Version 22.10 - June 08, 2022

There are no updates to the Enterprise API in this version.

Version 22.9 - May 26, 2022


  • The updatePatientInput mutation now supports the following fields:

    • statusTagsIds

    • preferredPharmacyId

    • genderIdentity

    • genderIdentityDescription

    • publicAccessAllowed

  • The providers query now supports the following arguments to filter results:

    • languages

    • lastName*

    • firstName*

    • licenseNumber*

    • billingNumber*

    • email*

      *supports the exact modifier

  • The provider object now includes the following additional fields:

    • billingNumber

    • licensingBody

  • The appointments query now supports an additional argument includeDeactivated as a boolean and defaulted to false. If set to true, the results include the deactivated (i.e. archived) appointments.

Version 22.8 - May 12, 2022


  • The Patient object now includes the following fields:

    • primaryLocation

    • preferredPharmacy

    • genderIdentity

    • genderIdentityDescription

    • publicAccessAllowed

  • The updateAppointment mutation now allows for the updating of an existing appointment record.

  • The identificationTemplates query returns a list of identification templates configured for the account.

  • patient mutations:

    • The createIdentificationInput now supports the additional field of identificationCustomData, which allows for the additional fields of a patient identification (i.e., version code) to be populated.

    • The following fields in createIdentificationInput were deprecated. Supplying a templateId will now populate these fields based on the configured identification template.

      • code

      • name

      • paymentIssuerCode

      For now, templateId is not a required field to support backwards capabilities, however that will change in the future and it is best practice to use a template ID.

  • The identificationVerification query now returns the status and status message returned by external systems that support verification of health cards in BC and ON. This query relies on specific configuration of the settings that support this feature within the CHR.

Version 22.7 - April 27, 2022


List & paginated queries now have the following order applied.

Ascending order:

  • Appointments > createdAt

  • AppointmentTags > createdAt

  • Locations > createdAt

  • PresentingIssues > createdAt

  • Providers > createdAt

  • Services > createdAt

  • StatusTags > createdAt

  • UpcomingAppointments > createdAt

Descending order:

  • Patients > createdAt

Version 22.7 - April 27, 2022

There are no updates to the Enterprise API in this version.

Version 22.6 - April 20, 2022


  • The updatePatient mutation now allows for the updating of an existing patient record.


  • upcomingAppointments query is fixed.

Version 22.5 - March 30, 2022


  • The various business rules for account and appointment type (such as Minimum Booking Notice, Types of Patients Allowed to Book, or Allow Patients to Cancel) that control how patients can use the eBooking functionality are no longer applicable to requests made via the Enterprise API. As a result, the eBooking functionality is not required for createAppointment requests.

  • The identification object now contains the following additional fields:

    • createdAt

    • updatedAt

    • isPrimary

    • id

    • startAt

    • endAt

    • identificationCustomData


  • An appointments query won’t fail in scenarios where there are database records with a null value for the ‘notifyBy’ field.

Version 22.4 - March 17, 2022

There are no updates to the Enterprise API in this version.

Version 22.3 - March 5, 2022


  • The patient phone argument to filter results by a phone number is now a PhoneSearchString. This means that non-numeric characters supplied will be ignored.

  • Only active appointmentTags are now returned for appointments.

  • The createRespondent mutation is marked as deprecated because it was replaced with createPatient. While deprecated, it will remain available for sometime to support transition to createPatient.

Version 22.2 - February 16, 2022


  • The default page size for any connection query is 50. The max page size for any connection query is 100. Any request with a page size larger than 100 will be truncated to 100 entries.

  • The contact object now includes the additional fields of facility, billingCode, occupation.

  • The contacts query returns a list of contacts, with cursor-based pagination.


  • The Activate/Deactivate buttons along with the log button on the API keys in the Public API Settings page now consistently work.

Version 22.1 - February 2, 2022


  • The createPatient mutation creates a new patient and has the same functionality as the createRespondent mutation, with one exception. The statusTags input field is now an array of statusTagIds, which can be queried via the new statusTags query.
    The createRespondent query is deprecated but will remain available for a period of time to support transition to patients.

  • The statusTags query now provides a list of available tags for patients.

  • The patients query now supports the following arguments:

    • locationId: ID Returns patients based on the assigned “Primary Location”.

    • primaryPractitionerId: ID Returns patients based on the assigned “Primary Practitioner”.

    • statusTagId: ID Returns patients based on the assigned “Status Tags”.

  • The patients query now supports an exact match on the following arguments by adding an “exact” modifier (i.e., “exact:Smith”):

    • identificationValue

    • lastName

    • firstName

    • email

    • phone

  • The services query now includes the following fields related to the business logic defined for an appointment type:

    • minRequestableInterval: Int - Interval for the minimum amount of notice required to book this appointment type as a patient, used in conjunction with minRequestableIntervalType.

    • minRequestableIntervalType: String - Interval type (i.e., days or hours) for the minimum amount of notice required to book the appointment type as a patient, used in conjunction with minRequestableInterval.

    • maxRequestableDays: Int - The maximum number of days in advance the appointment type can be booked by a patient.

    • allowNewPatient: Boolean - Indicates if the appointment type is bookable by new patients.

    • allowExistingPatient: Boolean - Indicates if the appointment type is bookable by existing patients.

Version 21.18 - January 20, 2022


  • The patients query returns a list of patients (respondents), with cursor-based pagination and has the same functionality as the respondents query. The respondents query is deprecated but will remain available for a period of time to support transition to patients.
    You can include only one of either respondents or patients in a query.

  • The createAppointmentInput mutation now supports the following fields:

    • note: String - Free text note field on the appointment.

    • tagIds: [ID!] - List of custom appointment tag ids assigned to the appointment.

    • visitType: VisitTypeEnum - The appointment visit type (i.e., Physical Visit or Virtual Visit). Defaults to Physical Visit.

  • The appointmentTags query now provides a list of available tags for appointments.

  • The appointments query now supports the following arguments:

    • locationId: ID - Exact match against the logical id of the location where the appointment is scheduled.

    • patientId: ID - Exact match against the logical id of the patient for whom the appointment is scheduled.

    • providerId: ID - Exact match against the logical id of the provider for whom the appointment is scheduled.

    • serviceId: ID - Exact match against the logical id of the appointment type assigned to the appointment.

    • visitType: VisitTypeEnum - Exact match against visit type.


  • Virtual Visit type appointments are now returned if the appointments query includes location fields.

Updated November 15, 2022

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