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Deleting patient data entries
Deleting patient data entries
Updated over 7 months ago

If a patient data entry is made in error, for example a typo or entered on the wrong patient, you can delete the incorrect value from the Patient Data section of the chart. The deleted value no longer appears in the history of that data point or in flowsheets, graphs, growth charts or templates (encounters, letters, etc).

You can delete any value from patient data, except for demographics. For example, vitals or preventive care.

You can also delete Vitals from the Examination section of an encounter note. When deleting vitals from an encounter, you must delete the complete row of vitals. If you only want to delete one vital you must delete it from the Patient Data section.

๐Ÿ“Œ Note: You must have the Delete patient data entries permission to delete a patient data point. Also, you cannot restore a deleted data point.


  1. From the patient chart, click Start/Open > Patient Data, and the Patient Data section opens.

  2. Next to the data point you want to delete, click the history icon. The History window opens.

  3. Hover over the value you want to delete, and click the trash can icon that appears.

    ๐Ÿ“Œ Note: You can delete only the most recent entry for that vital.

  4. In Delete permanently window, from the list, select a Reason for deletion, for example Typo.

  5. Click Delete, and the value is removed. A notice with the date the data point was revised permanently shows in the History of that data point.

    ๐Ÿ“Œ Note: To see what was deleted, click Open activity log.

Updated August 22, 2024

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