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CHR Release notes - version 23.15
CHR Release notes - version 23.15

August 7 2023

Updated over a week ago


Default visit type when booking an appointment

You can now set a default visit type of Physical or Virtual for each location. This saves an extra click when booking an appointment.

To configure your default visit type go to Settings > Scheduling > Locations. Select a location and under Default visit type when booking appointments, select Physical visit or Virtual visit.

When booking appointments and the visit type filter is set to All, the visit type of the appointment is automatically set to the default visit type for the location selected in your location filter. If you change the location in the appointment, the default is not used, and you must manually select the visit type. When the visit type filter is set to Physical or Virtual, the visit type pulls from that filter, and not the location filter.

Updates to Latest Lab Results in Summary view

To better streamline electronic labs within the CHR, the Latest Lab Results folder in Summary view > Patient Data is now being discontinued. The Lab Results folder in Summary view has been optimised to show all latest lab results. You should use this folder to view and graph your electronic lab results. Any labs you have configured in your Dashboard widget, patient header or form variables now pull from Lab Results.

If you have not edited the Latest Lab Results folder, for example configured specific Lab Result Items or enabled Show All Lab Result Items, the Latest Lab Results folder is hidden from your Summary view > Patient Data. If you have edited the Latest Lab Results folder, the folder remains but you can make no further changes to your customization.

Descriptive text added to eBooking and patient portal visit type page

When a patient is booking an appointment on your eBooking or patient portal website, additional descriptive text shows in the Select your visit type section. Phone Visit now appears beside In-Person; this is to make it clear that when a patient wants to book a phone appointment, they should not select Virtual Visit.

Short form entry for Duration while prescribing

You can now use short form entries in the Duration field when creating prescriptions. For example, 30d to populate 30 days. In the Duration field, type 6w, press tab, or click to the next field and the full word 6 weeks populates. For more information, refer to Creating prescriptions.

Narcotics warning removed when prescribing

To reduce clicks and save time, the pop up warning when prescribing a narcotic medication is removed.

Searching and sorting in my Favourite Medications

When adding a favourite medication in my favourites, the list is now searchable by medication name, or short form name. The medication list is now sorted alphabetically by medication name.

Update to folder permissions

Users that have User contents settings permissions and do not have Folders permissions can no longer access Settings > Folders.

Alberta: Saving favourite skill codes for billing

When creating HLink bills, you can now save your most commonly used skill codes. Click the star to add a skill code to your favourites. When you click the Skill Code field, all of your favourites appear and are at the top of the list when searching.

PEI: Fee code update

We added 9 new fee codes and updated 13 others. We adjusted the maximum service account allowed for certain billing fee codes.

PEI PrescribeIT: Delivery indication in provider and patient outbox

📌 Note: PrescribeIT® is currently available only for TELUS CHR users in PEI. It will be more widely available in the future.

You can now see the status and method by which an e-prescription was sent in both the provider and patient outbox.

When you send an e-prescription, the prescription now shows as ePrescribed or eFaxed in the provider Outbox and Patient Outbox. You can also see if the item was sent successfully or failed. This works in the same way as a faxed item.

You can now filter to see only e-prescriptions in the Patient Outbox. Use the Rx via PrescribeIT and Rx via eFax by PrescribeIT filters.


Below is a list of bugs we have identified and fixed in this release. For more information, contact our TELUS Health support team.

  • You can no longer have duplicate short form names for Favourite Medication.

  • Mr. and Mrs. now appear correctly in the Title list of the Personal Information section.

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