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All CollectionsCHR ReleasesCHR Release Notes 2023
CHR Release notes - version 23.20
CHR Release notes - version 23.20

October 11, 2023

Updated over a week ago

What’s new in the CHR


Real-time data validation on forms when data exceeds the field size

When using a form template, the free text, patient data and lab variable fields are highlighted in red when the filled-in data exceeds the configured area in the template. For example, the patient data variable field pulling in the patient's name is small, but the patient has a very long name. When typing text into a free text field, and the text exceeds the configured area, the field is red and a warning message appears. This ensures that data is not cut off without your knowledge.

Upgrades to the main sections' loading methodology

We enhanced the browsing experience for the patient chart and our main menu sections, for example the Inbox, by showing placeholder content while you wait for the page to load. You can now see the main menu along the left side first and, if needed, you can navigate to a different section.

Section headers remain visible when scrolling in Summary view

When in the Summary view of a patient’s chart and a section, for example Patient Data, has a lot of information, the header now remains visible when scrolling through that section. This ensures you can easily navigate through sections of the summary without losing context.

PEI: New fee codes added

We have updated the fee code list in the CHR. The new fee code list is effective July 1, 2023 and all of your billing code favourites remain.


Below is a list of bugs we have identified and fixed in this release. For more information, contact our TELUS Health support team.

  • You no longer need to refresh to see the draft appointment another user is creating.

  • When a new user clicks the emailed invitation link, the Register Your Account window stays open and allows you to complete your registration.

  • When updating a Patient File and searching for a new file name, only the tags associated with the new file name are applied.

  • Adding a new patient file no longer updates the Collected At date for all patient files.

  • When updating an appointment's details, including its Tags, you will receive a validation error if the patient does not have contact information. If you don't save the changes, the tags you added or removed are no longer saved.

  • When a patient has a country that the CHR does not recognize in their demographics, (e.g. if the name is misspelled), their full address now shows in the prescription header.

  • In referrals, the outdated referral status warning no longer pushes the referral list down blocking the ability to navigate to the next page.

  • When you create an encounter from a scheduled appointment, the appointment’s history now shows the Status update of Being Seen.

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