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Archiving patient charts

Remove patients from your patient list, such as for deceased patients

Updated over a month ago

For medico-legal reason, you can’t delete patients completely. However, you can archive them and make them inactive to remove them from your patient list, such as for patients who passed away or moved. Any outstanding future appointments will be cancelled and removed from the schedule.

Once archived, the patient appears in the archived patient list. If you accidentally archive a patient, you can restore their chart (see Viewing and restoring archived patient charts).

To archive patients, you must have the Archive Patients permission.


1. Open the patient chart.

2. Click the patient avatar to open the patient dashboard, and in the patient header, click Update Information.

3. In the Update Patient window, click the Archive tab.

💡 Tip: If you do not see this tab, request the Archive Patients permission from your CHR administrator.

4. Click Archive Patient. A confirmation window appears.

5. If the patient has future appointments that will be cancelled and you want to notify them, select the Notify <patient> of canceled appointments check box.

6. Click Okay.

Updated February 12, 2022

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