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Case settings

Configure case closed reasons and case statuses.

Updated over a year ago

Cases can be used to segregate a portion of the patient chart to only include information relevant to a specific case. For more information, refer to Using case templates and Creating custom case templates.

You can configure reasons for closing the case, and case statuses to help manage your cases.

📌 Note: These settings apply to all Case Templates.


  1. From the main menu, click Settings > Case.

To configure a reason for closing the case:

  1. From the Case Settings section, click the General tab.

  2. Click the Case Closed Reasons field.

  3. If you want the user who closes a case to type their own reason:

    • Leave the field blank.

  4. If you want everyone at your clinic to choose from a list of reasons:

    • Type each reason separated by a comma, or enter them on separate lines by pressing Shift+Enter {Return} after each reason.

      • For example, Claim paid, Case dismissed, Patient recall, Deceased, Other

  5. Click Save Settings.

To configure case statuses:

  1. From the Case Settings section, click the Statuses tab.

  2. To create a new status, click + Add Status.

  3. Type a name and select a colour for the status.

  4. Click Save.

  5. To edit a status, click it.

  6. To delete a status, select the X to the right of it.

📌 Notes:

  • The Default status is the status a new case starts in. To change which status is default, click Default to the right of it.

  • You cannot delete the Closed status but you can rename it.

Updated February 22, 2024

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