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Setting up a provider schedule
Updated over 5 months ago

Every provider using the TELUS Health Collaborative Health Record (CHR) has their own schedule. You must configure working hours for each provider by specifying the days, times, location (virtual or in-person), and appointment types available for booking.

Standard vs. flexible hours

Each provider can have one schedule set up in the CHR, with standard and/or flex hours applied. Flex hours and standard working hours within a schedule cannot overlap. You are advised by the system when this occurs.

Use standard hours for providers who have the same schedule every week. For example, Doctor Dogood sees new patients Mondays and Tuesdays from 8 am to 4 pm and all her follow-up patients every Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. For more information, refer to Adding standard working hours to a schedule.

Use flex hours for provider schedules that are not consistent. You can add flex hours on a one-off basis. For example, Doctor Dogood wants to see all her waitlisted patients this coming Saturday. You therefore create flex hours for Saturday. Or, for example, you work every Tuesday but your hours and types of appointments you offer change weekly. You therefore create flex hours for every Tuesday. For more information, refer to Adding flex hours to a provider schedule.

You can use flex schedule templates to apply flex hours on multiple dates or for multiple providers (such as a 'Saturday clinic' template). Another example where a flex template is useful is when a provider trains students one Wednesday of the month. Create a flex schedule template 'Student training' and apply it to their schedule. You can create and apply templates to multiple provider schedules on different dates. For more information, Refer to Creating flex schedule templates.

Vacation and off time

You can add vacation, off time, or any other non-clinical commitment to a provider's schedule at any time and these hours can overlap with any configured standard or flex working hours.

You can apply time off on a one-off basis. You can block these days off either from the schedule itself (see Adding and removing time off in the schedule), or from the scheduling settings (see Scheduling time off). Similar to flex templates, you can create time off or vacation templates. For example, each provider gets one week of vacation in the summer, create a 'Vacation' template, and apply it to provider schedules as needed. Refer to Creating templates for blocking time off in provider schedules.

Updated February 14, 2024

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