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Archiving injections
Updated over a week ago

If you entered an injection in error, or manually typed the name of an injection instead of selecting one from the clinic-wide list, you can archive it. Archived injections are not included in flowsheets or anywhere else a patient's injections are referenced, but they are visible in the Archived list of a patient's injections. You can unarchive an injection to make it active again.


1. Open the patient's chart.

2. In the Quick Menu or the Start/Open menu, choose Injections.

3. Click the archive icon next to the injection you want to archive.

4. A message appears asking you to confirm you want to archive the injection. Click Okay.

5. The injection is moved to the Archived tab in the patient's Injections list. You can view the history of the injection from here, just as you would for an active injection.

💡 Tip: If you accidentally archived an injection, you can restore it and move it back to the Active list. Click the restore icon and then click Okay when prompted to confirm.

Updated October 18, 2021

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