Once you downloaded and logged into your clinic's TELUS Collaborative Health Record Intake, patients can complete assigned Qnaires using a tablet (or cell phone) while at your clinic. New patients can register by answering basic demographic questions before completing their assigned Qnaires.
Before you hand the device to a patient to complete assigned Qnaires, you must select a patient, the provider who will receive the Qnaire responses in their inbox, and select the Qnaire(s) that the patient must complete.
1. Once you are logged into TELUS CHR Intake on your cell phone, select Collect Patient Data. The Collect Patient Data screen appears.
2. Select the patient:
a) Under Select Patient, select Search.
b) To search for an existing patient, start typing the patient name in the search field and select the patient.
π Note: You can search by Full Name (default), Last Name, First Name, ID. To the left of the search field tap the drop-down and select an option from the list.
c) To collect data from a new patient, at the bottom of the screen, select Create a New Patient.
3. Under Select Destination, tap Select and, from the Select Destination screen, select the provider to receive the Qnaire responses in their inbox.
4. Select the Qnaire. Type the name of a Qnaire in the search field and select one. Or, under the search field, swipe across the displayed Qnaires and select one.
π Notes:
5. Select Done.
π Notes:
6. Select Start.
7. Hand the device to the patient, who can now start to complete their assigned Qnaire(s). Advise the patient that once they answer a question, to select the purple arrow in the lower-right corner of the screen to advance to the next question.
π Notes:
8. When your patient has completed the assigned Qnaires, a Success screen appears. The patient hands the device back to you.
9. Select Go Home. An Enter passcode screen appears.
10. Enter your clinic's passcode to return to the home page of your clinic's TELUS CHR Intake.
π‘ Tip: If your patient needs help while completing Qnaires, in the top-right corner, select ?. They can view frequently asked questions or select I Need More Information to navigate to a web page that you can customize. See Customizing TELUS CHR Intake. |
Updated March 6, 2022