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All CollectionsCHR Enterprise API
What’s new in the API 2023
What’s new in the API 2023

Learn what's new and fixed within the API in each CHR release

Updated over a week ago

Here are the improvements and fixes to the TELUS Collaborative Health Record (CHR) Enterprise API.

💡 Tip: For a list of all API improvements and fixes in 2022, refer to What was new in API in 2022.

Version 23.25 - December 19, 2023


  • createAppointment mutation

    • createAppointmentInput supports the allowNotification field to indicate if the CHR default notification should be sent.

Version 23.24 - December 5, 2023


  • createAppointment mutation

    • createAppointmentInput supports the status field to set the appointment status at creation.

    • createAppointmentOptions has been removed as the functionality has been replaced with the status field within createAppointmentInput.

Version 23.23 - November 21, 2023


  • addCareTeamMember mutation

    • The addCareTeamMember mutation allows a care team member to be added to a patient’s chart.

  • service(s) query

    • The service(s) query (aka appointment types) now includes the two default status fields configurable within the CHR.

Version 23.22 - November 7, 2023


  • availabilities query

    • Draft appointments are now taken into consideration when returning availability in the availabilities query.

Version 23.21 - October 25, 2023

There are no updates to the Enterprise API in this version.

Version 23.20 - October 11, 2023


  • CHR Enterprise API settings:

    • Update the settings page to display the correct API Endpoint.

Version 23.19 - September 26, 2023


  • createAttachment mutation:

    • The createAttachment mutation allows a file to be attached to a patient’s chart.

Version 23.18 - September 13, 2023


  • patientDataTemplate(s) query:

    • A clinic’s patient data templates are now available via a query.

  • draftAppointment(s) query:

    • The draft appointments can now be returned via the draftAppointment(s) query.

Version 23.17 - August 30, 2023

There are no updates to the Enterprise API in this version.

Version 23.16 - August 14, 2023

There are no updates to the Enterprise API in this version.

Version 23.15 - August 7, 2023


  • Appointment notifications:

    • Appointment tag changes now trigger the appointmentUpdated notification.

  • Location type

    • The Location type now includes the IANA time zone name in the timezoneIanaName field.

Version 23.14 - July 18, 2023


  • Patient query:

    • The patient query now returns a patient regardless of the archived status.

  • updatePatient mutation:

    • The updatePatientInput supports two additional fields - primaryLocationId and referringDoctor.

  • createPatient and updatePatient mutation:

    • The middleInitial field has been deprecated and replaced with middleName.

Version 23.13 - July 5, 2023


  • upsertPatientDataItem mutation:

    • The upsertPatientDataItem mutation supports updating or inserting a Patient Data Item.

Version 23.12 - June 20, 2023


  • updatePatient mutation:

    • The consentToDeferredPrescription field was removed as it is for internal CHR use only.

Version 23.11 - June 7, 2023

There are no updates to the Enterprise API in this version.

Version 23.10 - May 23, 2023


  • encounter subquery - insuredBillingItem:

    • A patient’s insured billing items are now available via a subquery on the encounter and encounters query.

Version 23.9 - May 11, 2023

There are no updates to the Enterprise API in this version.

Version 23.8 - April 28, 2023

There are no updates to the Enterprise API in this version.

Version 23.7 - April 12, 2023


  • patients query - encounter:

    • A patient’s encounters are now available via a subquery on the patient and patients query.

  • letterTemplates query:

    • A paginated list of letter templates is now available via the letterTemplates query.

Version 23.6 - March 29, 2023


  • patients query - letter:

    • A patient’s letters are now available via a subquery on the patient and patients query.

  • patients query - answerSheet:

    • A patient’s answer sheets (aka Qnaire responses) are now available via a subquery on the patient and patients query.

Version 23.5 - March 20, 2023


  • patients query - labReport:

    • A patient’s list of lab reports is now available via a subquery on the patient and patients query. 📌 Note: Content of lab reports will be delivered in a future release.

  • createAppointment mutation:

    • LocationId is now a required field for all appointments. Previously, it was optional for virtual visit type appointments.

Version 23.4 - March 02, 2023

There are no updates to the Enterprise API in this version.

Version 23.3 - February 17, 2023


patients query now supports the following additional filter argument:

  • identificationTemplateId: you can use this argument in combination with the identificationValue argument to filter for a specific identification type and value.

Version 23.2 - January 31, 2023


  • patients query:

    • The following records are now available via a subquery on the patient and patients query.

      • attachments

      • patientData

    • The identification object now contains the following additional fields:

      • IdentificationTemplate

    • filetags query now provides a paginated list of tags for files.

Version 23.1 - January 19, 2023


  • patients query:

    • The following records are now available, as part of patient health profile, via a subquery on the patient and patients query.

      • healthProfile

      • goals

      • familyHistory

      • medicalHistory

      • socialHistory

      • surgicalHistory

    • patients query now supports the following additional filter argument as an array:

      • orderBy: allows you to order results by multiple criteria.

Updated October 16, 2023

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