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Accessing CareConnect from the CHR
Updated over 11 months ago

CareConnect is British Columbia's read-only Electronic Health Record (EHR). CareConnect provides access to a patient's encounters, provincial and community lab results, diagnostic imaging reports and more, across all health authorities. There is no direct cost to clinics or physicians for CareConnect. For more information and to sign up, see the Provincial Health Services Authority CareConnect website.

PharmaNet is an optional additional integration with CareConnect. Using PharmaNet you can see a patient's dispensed medications for the last 14 months. If you have CareConnect but do not have access to PharmaNet, you can view more information and request PharmaNet from the Provincial Health Services Authority PharmaNet website.

You can access CareConnect from within the CHR by clicking the BC CareConnect button in the patient's chart. When you switch to a different patient's chart, you must click the button again to update the information in the CareConnect window.

You can access CareConnect from inside the Private Physician Network (PPN) or from the internet. Before you can access CareConnect from the CHR, you must have the CareConnect integration enabled and configured in the CHR. For more information, see Configuring the CareConnect integration.

๐Ÿ“Œ Note: If you are not inside the Private Physician Network (PPN), only providers have access to CareConnect. Non-provider users will see the button in the CHR but, when they click it, an authentication error appears in CareConnect.

๐Ÿ’ก Tip: For CHR sites that work across multiple provinces, you can access the provincial viewer for the other province (with the exception of eChart Manitoba). When you open a patient's chart, the provincial viewer available depends on your currently selected location. For example, if your currently selected location has Alberta set as the province, you see the Alberta Netcare Portal button instead of the BC CareConnect button. If your selected location does not have a province specified, the provincial viewer will be the viewer for the account location of the CHR domain.

๐Ÿ“Œ Note: You must register for and configure the other province's provincial viewer integration. For more information, refer to Provincial viewers.


1. From the patient's chart, click the BC CareConnect icon.

๐Ÿ“Œ Note: If the patient does not have a valid British Columbia health number, a message appears that a British Columbia health number is required to access CareConnect.

2. A new web browser window opens to log into CareConnect. The window differs depending whether you are connecting from inside the PPN or from the Internet.

  • If you are connecting from inside the PPN, select which account to use to sign into CareConnect and the complete the sign in process (e.g. enter the pairing code for the BC Services card app or enter your username and password for the Health Authority Account).

  • If you are connecting from the Internet, select BC Services Card app and then enter the pairing code.

๐Ÿ“Œ Note: If you do not yet have the BC Services Card app set up on your mobile device, click Get set up and follow the instructions. You must use the BC Services Card app to connect to CareConnect when you are not inside the PPN.

3. In the window that appears, review the matching patient from CareConnect and then click Accept.

4. CareConnect displays the patient's information.

๐Ÿ’ก Tip: If you are registered for PharmaNet, you can access it from this CareConnect window. Select Medications from the menu on the left and then click the button to Search PharmaNet.

5. Leave the CareConnect window open (you can minimize it) until you log out of the CHR. When you open a different patient's chart in the CHR, click the BC CareConnect button to view that patient's information in CareConnect (the patient displayed in CareConnect will not update automatically when you switch patients in the CHR).

6. When you are finished, log out of CareConnect and close the CareConnect web browser window. (You are not logged out of CareConnect automatically when you log out of the CHR).

Updated April 25, 2024

Keywords: Care Connect

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