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All CollectionsCHR Enterprise API
Creating API consumers
Creating API consumers
Updated over 12 months ago

Create an API Consumer to leverage the TELUS Collaborative Health Record (CHR) Enterprise API and provide unrestricted access to your organization’s CHR data. You can create multiple API Consumers to support multiple integrations, for example one to support an integration with an appointment booking system and another for an integration with a patient portal/app.

Each API Consumer’s access is specific to them, and not to an individual person or user.

If required, you can revoke an API Consumer’s access at any time by deactivating them. You can also easily restore their access by reactivating them.

📌 Note: This feature must be configured by the TELUS CHR Support account. Contact the TELUS Health support team through the support chat for more information.

Keeping your data and API access secure

API Consumers and their credentials provide access to your CHR data, including sensitive personal health information. You must follow these best practices to keep this data safe:

  • Create one API Consumer per integration or system.

  • Keep all private keys secure; do not share them.

  • Deactivate any API Consumers not in use.

  • Replace the public/private key pair on a regular basis.


1. Log in to the CHR with the TELUS CHR Support account.

2. From the main menu, click Settings > Enterprise API. The list of existing API Consumers appears.

3. Click + New Consumer. The New API Consumer window opens.

4. In the Name field, type a name to describe the API Consumer.

💡 Tip: The Active checkbox is selected by default. To make a key inactive upon creation, clear the Active check box.

5. In the JWT Public Key field, enter the 2048 bit RSA public key, in PEM format, that matches the private key used to sign the JWTs.

6. The ISS Value will default to the supplied Name. You can update it to a desired value for your API Consumer.

7. Click Create. The key is added to the list.

Once created, your API Consumer can authenticate and make requests. For more information, see Making requests to the API.

Updated August 10, 2022

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