⚡ Quick start: This topic provides a high level overview of the steps required to quickly complete the task. For detailed instructions, refer to the comprehensive help topic Viewing patient charts. |
Summary view
1. Select the Summary icon at the top of the chart.
2. Click the arrow to the right of any section heading in the summary to see a split screen view. This allows you to engage in an encounter or access another part of the patient chart while being able to review key pieces of information from the summary.
Dashboard view
Select the Dashboard icon at the top of the chart.
Quick Menu
From the Quick Menu widget in the dashboard view, select any option to open that section of the chart and see a list of items.
Start/Open menu
From the Start/Open menu, select any option to open that section of the chart and see a list of items. If you were in Summary view, the selected item opens in a split screen view with the patient summary.
Updated March 20, 2023