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Viewing patient charts

Learn about the different views and functions in charts

Updated over a week ago

🎞️ View video tutorial: Opening and navigating patient charts

Patient charts in the TELUS Collaborative Health Record (CHR) are highly customizable and enable you to choose exactly what is important for you to see and to access all charting functions.

Patient charts include the patient demographics and the choice between the following views:

In addition, you can access the following functions from the top of the chart:

Patient demographics

The top of the patient chart contains demographic information such as the patient's name, age, preferred pronouns and practitioners.

By default, the patient's name displays as First name “Preferred name” Last name. You can change the format to Preferred name/First name Last name, or Prefix First name "Preferred name" Middle name Last name. For more information, refer to Modifying your user preferences.

💡 Tip: To quickly copy the patient's name, click the name in the header. The name copies to your clipboard, matching your preferred display format.

To see additional demographic information at a glance, hover your cursor over the patient’s name in the header.

The following information displays in the pop-up window, if it is available:

  • The patient's full name

  • Preferred pronouns

  • Date of birth and age (if the patient is deceased, the age is the age at the time of death)

  • Sex and gender identity

  • Picture

  • Severe allergies

  • All health IDs

  • CHR Chart ID (if Settings > Patient > Show Chart ID in header is set to Yes)

  • All phone numbers

  • Email address

  • Full address

  • Primary practitioner

  • Family doctor

  • Preferred pharmacy

  • Status tags

  • Client Registry status

💡 Tip: You can quickly copy the patient name or other information to paste it elsewhere, such as into a form or patient label. In the patient demographics window, highlight any information and press Ctrl{Cmd} + C on your keyboard. Then, paste it where you need it using Ctrl {Cmd} + V.

Patient dashboard view

The dashboard view of the patient chart displays the patient's contact information, street address, and notification method.

To update any patient demographics, click Update Information. For more information about updating demographics, see Adding a patient.

📌 Note: For PEI users, update demographic information from the Patient Data section in the chart. See Updating patient demographic information (PEI) for more information.

The dashboard view of the patient chart also shows a customizable collection of widgets or tiles that provide a summary of patient information and shortcuts to all other areas of the patient chart. This view is best for front-end staff.

To see the dashboard, click the Dashboard icon at the top of the chart.

For more information about using the patient dashboard and its various widgets, see Customizing the patient dashboard.

Patient summary view

💡 Tip: The CHR remembers your last used view; Summary or Dashboard (including split screen). When you open a new chart, your last used view appears.

The summary view of the patient chart shows the complete patient profile or cumulative patient profile (CPP). This is where you see key information regarding a patient’s medical history, social history, medications, allergies, previous visits, and so on. This view is best for clinicians.

To see the patient summary, click the Summary icon at the top of the chart.

The summary is highly customizable. Each provider can customize their summary view in their preferred way. For new users, by default, it opens as a split screen. This allows you to engage in an encounter or access another part of the patient chart while being able to review key pieces of information.

For more information about using the patient summary, see:

Patient flowsheets view

Patient flowsheets centralize lab results and key patient data points to enable monitoring disease-specific patient information from one easy to use area.

To see flowsheets, click the Flowsheets icon at the top of the patient chart. For more information about using flowsheets, see Flowsheets.


To send an internal message to a team member about the patient, click the New Message icon at the top of the chart.

For more information, see Creating and sending messages.

Start/Open menu

This menu shows a list of all sections in the patient chart, so that you can easily navigate and add content to the chart.

Updated January 23, 2025

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