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CHR Release notes - version 24.4

February 27, 2024

Updated over 12 months ago

What’s new in the CHR


Editing medications

To enhance the safety and efficiency of medication management, you can now change dosage information, additional instructions, and other details without creating a new prescription. The focus remains solely on updating the medication information.

When you click the start date of the medication from the Medications list, a simplified view of the prescribing window appears where you can change the dosage information, quantity, refills, etc. To ensure data integrity, you can only change the medication name if it was prescribed without a Drug Identification Number (DIN).

You can record the Reason for Modification and add any additional Modification Comments. The Date of Modification defaults to today.

To track the changes, in Medications, an entry is created detailing who made the modification, the reason and any comments.

Patient’s Medications window remains open when stopping medications

When you create a prescription and you select this patient’s medications, the Patient's Medications window remains open when you click Stop and discontinue a medication. Now you can easily proceed to stop or renew other medications without reopening the window.

📌Note: When you select Create RX or Stop & Create New RX, the Patient’s Medications window closes.

Deactivated users hidden from roles and groups

When you deactivate a user, their profile is hidden from any role or group they are a member of. Additionally, any messages sent by the deactivated user in the Inbox now show User Deactivated beside their name.

📌Note: If you reactivate the user, the user reappears in the roles and groups they were previously a member of.

Collapsing the pathways sidebar

When you open a patient chart with an active pathway, you can click the < arrow to collapse the sidebar and display the pathway cards as icons. With pathway cards minimized, you now have increased real estate on your workstation and can focus on tasks without distraction.

The icon on the sidebar reflects the appointment type. To differentiate between appointment types, virtual appointments have a circle with a virtual camera icon. Click the icon to expand the pathway card.

Warning when deleting a manual lab

So no information is accidentally lost, when you delete a manually entered lab result from the Lab report preview window, a warning message now displays asking you to confirm the deletion.

For more information, refer to Editing or deleting manually entered lab results.

Searching provider in Healthcare Directory from patient Qnaire

For clinics using Healthcare Directory, when a patient receives a Qnaire that includes questions to identify the family and referring doctor, the patient can search for and select a provider from the Healthcare Directory.

📌Note: If the clinic confirms the provider, the provider appears on the patient's chart but is not added to the clinic's contacts list.

Alberta: Warning for unsaved changes in Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) insured bills

When you change the Alberta WCB form or the location in an insured bill, and you close the window or click the person icon to open the patient chart, a warning message now appears prompting you to save your changes.


Below is a list of bugs we have identified and fixed in this release. For more information, contact our TELUS Health support team.

  • When renewing prescriptions, you can once again select the radio button to select whether the date on the prescription renewal is the current date or the previous end date of the medication.

  • You can once again load the summary view of a patient chart without getting an error.

  • With the recent interface updates to Settings > Account information, Languages is now only available in the General tab.

  • Email messages sent and delivered successfully once again show Success in the status column of the Patient Outbox.

  • When creating a manual lab report, if the date is partially or fully removed from the Lab report preview window, you are notified that Date Collected is a required field.

  • When you save a referral and the ordering or service provider is later deactivated in the CHR, you can update the Ordering Provider or Service Provider fields to an active user.

  • In the Outbox, the i icon is no longer available for items that cannot be opened (i.e. files sent via Share > Forward or not attached to a message).

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