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Conducting virtual visits through TELUS CHR Mobile
Conducting virtual visits through TELUS CHR Mobile
Updated over 9 months ago

From the virtual visit appointment preview window in the TELUS CHR mobile app, you can conduct a virtual visit for a patient with or without an appointment.

The patient must have an active pathway card to start the virtual visit. For more information on pathways, refer to Pathways.


  1. From the CHR Mobile app, navigate to your virtual visit appointment:

    1. From the main menu, select Schedule.

    2. Search for your patient and select the Upcoming Appointment.

  2. When you are ready to start the virtual visit, select the virtual appointment from the preview window:

    1. If a pathway is linked to the appointment, you can view the patient status and change the pathway phase.

    2. If a pathway is not linked, select Start Pathway and select the workflow for your appointment.

  3. Before you can join the visit, the patient must provide camera and microphone access, and accept the virtual visit agreement.

    📌Note: To confirm if the patient has completed these steps, select Update and manually refresh your screen. Once completed, Update changes to Join Call.

  4. Select Join Call to enter the waiting room.

  5. Select Join to connect with the patient. Once the patient joins, they appear on the mobile device screen and you can start your visit.

    📌 Note: The audio and video quality depends on the internet speed of all the participants involved.

    💡 Tips:

    1. Once the call starts, you may need to select to start your microphone and camera.

    2. To toggle your video or microphone off and on, select the microphone and video icons at the bottom.

    ⚠️Important: Currently, chat and text functionality is not available in CHR mobile. If the patient sends a message, you will see the message only on CHR desktop.

  6. Select the two arrows in the upper left corner to minimize the virtual visit window and access other areas of CHR mobile such as the patient chart.

    💡 Tip: Double-tap the minimized virtual visit window to maximize the window.

  7. When your visit is complete, select the red End Call icon.

Updated May 13, 2024

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