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CHR Release notes - version 25.2

January 28, 2025

Updated over 3 weeks ago

What's new in the CHR


Quickly selecting a patient’s past diagnosis in encounters

When you add a diagnosis in an encounter, you can now easily distinguish between the patient’s Past diagnoses and Other diagnoses in the CHR. The patient’s past diagnoses are at the top of the search list, sorted by the most recently used. The Other diagnoses list is arranged alphabetically, with your favourite diagnoses at the top. This helps you quickly find relevant diagnoses while maintaining access to the complete list.

💡Tip: Click the star to the right of the diagnosis name to record it as a favourite diagnosis.

For more information, refer to Recording an encounter diagnosis.

Copying patient names quickly from the chart header

As part of our ongoing usability improvements, you can now quickly copy a patient’s name to your clipboard, matching your preferred name display format.

In the patient chart header, click the name. A Copied! tooltip briefly confirms that the name has been copied to your clipboard. This allows you to quickly paste the patient's name into other documents or messages without manually selecting and copying it.

📌Note: The previous behavior, where clicking kept the demographic snapshot open, has been removed.

Improved identification of unmatched lab results in your Inbox

In your Inbox, you can now easily identify lab results that haven't been matched to a patient record. A red question mark icon now appears to the left of the patient’s name. This helps ensure important lab results don't get overlooked.

When you match a lab result to a patient, either by registering a new patient or linking it to an existing one, the indicator in the Inbox disappears, confirming the successful match.

For more information, refer to Managing unmatched lab reports.

New group visit notification template variables

When you customize group visit notification templates, you can now add provider name and title variables.

📌Note: If multiple providers are assigned to a group visit, the variables display information for the first assigned provider.

PEI: Automatically populating appointment start times in insured bills

A new user-specific insured payment setting, Fill start time from the linked appointment, is now available. When the setting is enabled, start times in billing items automatically populate based on linked appointment times.

This setting is disabled by default. For more information, refer to Customizing your insured payment settings.


Below is a list of bugs we have identified and fixed in this release. For more information, contact our TELUS Health support team.

  • In Schedules, when a patient has multiple appointments booked on the same day, the demographic snapshot is now anchored next to the patient name.

  • In Schedules under Requested Appointments, providers now see only group visit requests for groups they are associated with.

  • In Schedules, when viewing appointment details for a patient with multiple same-day appointments, the appointments now display in chronological order.

  • When you click +Collect Data to record Qnaire responses in an encounter, the Qnaire icon under Finished Qnaires displays correctly.

  • The Presenting Issue in an encounter no longer wraps prematurely or cuts off the top line of text and instead fills the width of the field.

  • When starting an encounter from an appointment with a presenting issue with a linked encounter template, you no longer see a broken table with HTML code in the History section. The template now loads correctly every time.

  • When you start an encounter, you can select any encounter template without having to refresh your browser, even when another user recently updated an encounter template in Settings.

  • When you hover over a patient name in the Opened patients list, the demographics snapshot now closes when you click the patient name to open the chart.

  • In the Patient Outbox, items now display when filtered to All. Previously, the list appeared blank when you selected All.

  • In the patient demographics window, when you delete all identification fields, they no longer reappear after clicking Save. The system now displays a warning message indicating that at least one identification must be entered.

  • When creating Qnaires, copying and pasting text into the Qnaire no longer creates unwanted images.

  • When creating bills and adding billing items, you can only enter valid dates in the date fields. You cannot enter a year with more than 4 digits.

  • You can delete Qnaire responses of pre-visit Qnaires that are attached to appointments.

  • When a patient completes a pre-visit Qnaire with configured natural language and you add it to your encounter, the timestamp in the History section now reflects the time the patient completed the Qnaire.

  • For clinics with CHR Connect enabled, all online booking links now correctly direct patients to the appropriate CHR Connect page.

  • British Columbia: The icon representing population-based funding (PBF) registered patients in the patient header and appointment window is updated for improved clarity.

📌 Note: New CHR versions are released on a regular bi-weekly schedule. However, there are times where a fix is released prior to the next scheduled release. These off-schedule release fixes are documented in the separate off-schedule release notes.

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