The Patient Search analytics dashboard allows you to find patients using patient data or information on appointments, encounters, prescriptions, Qnaires, providers, etc. You can use it to get a list of patients with a specific trait or who match a set of criteria.
To learn more about how to use the Analytics module, see Analytics dashboards.
There is a total of 61 filters available. Here are some of the most commonly used filters:
Patient data:
PHIN: Patient's Personal Health Identification Number
Gender: Gender of the patient
Age: Age of the patient
Postal Code (First 3 Digits): First three digits of the patient's postal code
Status Tags: Tags added to the patient record. Available values depend on your clinic's patient settings (Settings > Patient > Status Tags).
Patient Data Field: Category or location of the patient data field. You can use this filter to get any information available in the patient chart. The name of the field follows this structure:
Category|Property|Entity (e.g. Demographics|Contacts|Email)
Patient Data Value: This filter must be used with the Patient Data Field filter. Enter the value you want to filter on. For example, if you selected the Demographics|Contacts|Email field, you could enter "".
💡 Tip: We recommend you use the contains condition for best results.
Primary Physician: Patient's primary physician
Referring Practitioner: Patient's referring practitioner
Appointment Type: Appointment type of any appointment booked for the patient
Appointment Date: Date on which the appointment was scheduled
Appointment Practitioner: Provider under which the appointment was booked
Encounter Date: Date on which the associated appointment was scheduled or the encounter note was created
Encounters Signed Off: Whether or not all the encounters in the patient chart have been signed off
Medication Date: Date the prescription was written
Medication End Date: End date of the medication prescribed
Medication Name: Name of the medication prescribed
Qnaire Date: Date the Qnaire was completed
Qnaire Name: Name of the Qnaire
Qnaire Score: Score of the completed Qnaire, if applicable
Billing Date: Date of the visit
Billing Code: Code of the service provided
ICD Code: Code of the diagnosis linked to the bill
ICD Description: Description of the diagnosis linked to the bill
Patient search
List of all patients who match your search criteria. The total number of patients is also displayed at the top of the report. The following information is displayed:
ID: Patient's unique ID (use this to jump into their chart)
Patient Full Name: Name of the patient
Patient Identification Value: Patient's personal health number
Gender: Gender of the patient
Date of Birth: Patient's date of birth
Primary Provider: Provier assigned as the "primary practitioner" in the patient chart
Phone: Phone number of the patient
Email: Patient's email address
Notify By: Patient's preferred notification method (email, SMS or both)
Last Appt: Date of the patient's last appointment
Full Address: Address of the patient
Email Addresses
List of email addresses for patients who match your search criteria.
Cell Numbers
List of cellphone numbers for patients who match your search criteria.
Updated February 28, 2022