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CHR Release notes - version 23.23
CHR Release notes - version 23.23

November 21, 2023

Updated over a week ago

What’s new in the CHR


Address & Extra tab merged with General in patient demographics windows

The General tab in the New Patient and Update Patient windows now contains all fields previously under the Address & Extra tab, including:

  • Address details.

  • Emergency contact details.

  • Insurance company details.

  • The Family Doctor Additional Info field.

  • Language.

Identifications are now above patient contact details instead of at the bottom of the window.

If there are any validation errors for a required field, a warning banner now appears at the top instead of a pop-up window. The field is also highlighted and an error description appears below it.

The buttons at the bottom now have clearer styling to better differentiate Cancel, Save and validate, and Save.

Warning banner when form text overflows

When you edit a form and enter more text than fits into the text field, a new banner appears at the top that lists how many fields are overflowing. The banner has a Next button you can click to quickly scroll to affected fields.

The banner updates immediately after you fix a field.

📌 Note: You can still save and print a form if it has warnings about text exceeding the size of the field.

Only applied file tags shown on a file

When you view or update a file, the Tags field now only shows the selected tags. The Upload File window is now cleaner and easier to scroll because it no longer lists all of the tags you did not apply.

To add a tag to a file, from the Upload File window select + Add a new tag and choose a tag from the list. For more details, visit Uploading patient files.

Accessibility feature renamed to User Access

You now use the tab named User Access to restrict access to a patient chart. From an encounter, you now select Access restrictions to restrict access to an encounter note.

The tab and button are no longer labelled Accessibility, to better communicate the purpose of both features.

Alberta CII/CPAR: Notify me enabled by default for mass actions

In Settings > CII/CPAR > Mass Actions the Notify me when the action is complete checkbox is selected by default.

This ensures you are notified when an action is complete and helps with troubleshooting as the message includes which options were selected for the action.

British Columbia: Added code v667

Added code v667 Encounter for palliative care to the BC Diagnosis List and ICD9 – MSP templates.

Role-based access: Granular permissions for lab results

For clinics with role-based access control (RBAC) enabled, you can now set specific user permissions for lab results in the patient chart, and any electronic lab files in the Inbox and Patient Files. This improves data security and privacy for patients while providing more flexibility to create customized roles and access levels for users.

The new Lab results permissions you can set are All, List, Read, and Create. Previously, access to lab results was controlled by the Patients permission.

So that no functionality is lost, all users with the Patients permission now automatically have the corresponding Lab results permission. For more information, refer to Role permission options (role-based access control).

Role-based access: Destroy renamed to delete

For clinics with role-based access control (RBAC) enabled, granular permissions labelled Destroy are now labelled Delete to be consistent with other permissions.


Below is a list of bugs we have identified and fixed in this release. For more information, contact our TELUS Health support team.

  • When you use the maximize button to maximize the window of a lab in the Inbox or a patient file in a chart, the next item you open is also maximized.

  • When you select the Date Added field in a referral, pressing the spacebar opens and now closes the calendar.

  • PDF exports of Qnaire responses now include pictures.

  • PDF exports of group appointments now list the associated provider(s).

  • Date variables no longer insert today’s date when you choose a date and then clear your choice.

  • You can now add an addendum to an encounter immediately after signing it, without having to manually refresh the window.

  • If PrescribeIT® is enabled, patients no longer see the fields PrescribelT® enabled and Clinician Communication enabled for the preferred pharmacy question type in a Qnaire.

  • You now receive an error if you attempt to manually add an appointment to a pathway when an active pathway already exists.

  • An auto-assigned pathway card now displays appointment time in the correct time zone.

  • When you add a group visit to a pathway, the practitioner field is no longer empty and you can open the chart or start an encounter.

  • Manitoba: Restored payment claims for physicians with a Physician Number less than five characters long now match to the provider.

  • Manitoba: Physician numbers less than five characters long now have leading zeros to make them five characters long. Going forward, new and updated physician numbers less than five characters long require leading zeros when setting up a Manitoba Health Billing integration.

  • PEI: When you create a new encounter template, you only receive an error message to select a location if Location segregation for encounter templates is enabled and the Location field is empty.

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