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CHR Release notes - version 24.8

April 23, 2024

Updated over 11 months ago

What’s new in the CHR


Consistent synchronization of growth chart entries with vitals

To ensure consistency between a patient’s vitals and growth chart, we made the following updates:

  • In your CHR’s encounter settings we removed the Update growth chart on save checkbox.
    When you add height and weight measurements to the vitals table in an encounter and save it, the CHR automatically updates the patient’s growth chart.

  • We also removed the Update Patient Data checkbox when you add a measurement to a patient’s Growth Chart.
    Any data point saved in the growth chart that is more recent than the latest Patient Data > Vitals entry is automatically saved in the Patient Data section of the patient’s chart.

  • When deleting or editing data in a patient’s growth chart, these actions are now reflected in the vitals table of saved or signed encounters.

Notifications settings interface improvements

As part of our ongoing usability and design improvements, the Notifications settings now use clearer labels and button styles. To customize a notification, hover over it and click the pencil icon.

For more information, refer to Customizing notification templates.

Homepage performance enhancement

To improve the loading time of the Shortcuts widget of your homepage, if you have more than 30 urgent messages or appointment requests, the count on the Urgent messages or Appointment requests badge now displays 30+ instead of the exact number.

Forms performance enhancement

We improved the time it takes for your list of electronic forms to load in the Select Form Template window in a patient's chart when adding a form.

Alberta and British Columbia: Accessing the provincial viewer for a different province

For CHR sites that work across multiple provinces, and have a provincial viewer enabled (i.e. Netcare in Alberta or CareConnect in British Columbia), you can now access the provincial viewer for the other province.

When you open a patient's chart, the provincial viewer available depends on your currently selected location. If your selected location does not have a province specified, the provincial viewer will be the one for the account location of the CHR domain.

📌 Note: You must configure the other province's provincial viewer integration.

Manitoba: New virtual visit fee differentials

In line with the provincial fee differential update for virtual visit tariffs, effective April 1, 2024, we added new virtual visit fee differential options to the CHR.

📌Note: When creating a billing item, the Fee Differential field is now named Location of Service.


  • When you filter the Billing dashboard, you can once again remove a provider from the Billing practitioner list.

  • When you select Do not show this warning again or Do not open this dialog by default check box, and you close the pop-up window, the system does not save the window as a Skipped Dialog anymore.

  • You can view a patient chart section in split screen again when you have the same section already open.

  • If your clinic does not offer group visits or does not allow patients to book group visits online, in the patient portal, patients no longer see the Group Visit option when asked to select a visit type.

  • For clinics using role-based access control, when a user without permissions for lab results clicks to open a lab result, they see the correct warning message.

  • Ontario: For clinics using Ocean eReferral, you can once again book appointments successfully without a "page not found" error.

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