If you're a specialist or a provider who receives referrals, you can add the referring provider when you bill the province for services.
Even if a referring provider is recorded in the patient's chart, the system does not automatically add them to a billing item. Instead, when billing the province for services, you must add the referring provider from the list of eligible referring providers supplied by New Brunswick Health in the CHR.
📌Note: Contacts in the CHR do not populate the Referring Practitioner field.
1. Start a bill from an encounter, the Visits dashboard or the patient's chart. If you're editing a bill, open the bill from the Billing dashboard.
2. Add a billing item (service code) to the bill or click to edit a billing item. Refer to Adding and modifying billing items (service codes) to provincial bills.
3. In the New NB Billing Item or Edit NB Billing Item window, click Show advanced fields.
4. In the Service section, click the search icon or begin typing in the Referring Practitioner field to search for the referring provider by name or by billing number. Once selected, the system adds the referring provider's name and billing number to the bill.
💡Tip: If the referring provider does not appear in the search results, send a request to New Brunswick Health to add the provider to the list of eligible referring providers.
5. To add the referring provider as a favourite, click the star icon next to their name. Your favourite providers and more frequently used providers appear at the top of the list the next time you search in the Referring Practitioner field or add a new fee item.
6. Add the Referral Date and select the Referral Type, if applicable.
The selected Referring Practitioner is automatically added to the next billing items you create.
Updated November 5, 2024