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Billing dashboard, Stripe, Billing settings, Third party and private billing, Provincial billing (OHIP, Medicare, MSP, WSBC, MH, AHCIP)

185 articles
Duplicating a fee item on a bill

Creating provincial (MSP) bills (British Columbia)
Creating, reviewing and editing provincial (MSP) bills from the Visits dashboard (British Columbia)
Creating provincial (MSP) bills from encounters (British Columbia)
Creating or editing provincial (MSP) bills from patient charts (British Columbia)
Modifying a provincial (MSP) bill's billing practitioner, location and other bill details (British Columbia)
Adding and modifying billing items (service codes) for MSP bills (British Columbia)
Adding a referring provider to a provincial (MSP) claim (British Columbia)
Shadow billing for provincial (MSP) claims (British Columbia)
Adding a comment to a provincial (MSP) claim (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for no charge referrals (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for no charge referrals from referrals (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for time-based service codes (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for motor vehicle accident (ICBC) visits (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for duplicate claims - same day return visits (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for a newborn patient without a provincial health number (British Columbia)
Deleting unsubmitted bills (British Columbia)
Submitting claims to Teleplan (British Columbia)
Submitting provincial (MSP) bills created prior to Teleplan integration (British Columbia)
Teleplan Remittance Files (B.C)
Reconciling provincial (MSP) bills (British Columbia)
Managing refused and invalid provincial (MSP) claims (British Columbia)
Submitting debit requests to MSP (British Columbia)
Correcting a provincial health number (PHN) and updating a refused provincial (MSP) claim (British Columbia)
Managing partially paid provincial (MSP) claims (British Columbia)
Viewing a billing item's MSP Sequence number (British Columbia)
Initiating the GPSC Billing Portal
MSP remittance and cut-off dates - 2024
Integrating your CHR account with Teleplan (British Columbia)
Modifying a claim's submission code
Setting your default facility number for provincial (MSP) billing items (British Columbia)
Setting your default rural retention code for provincial (MSP) billing items (British Columbia)
Configuring your default service location code (Teleplan)
Dr. Bill Billing Integration (BC)
Configuring your default service location code (Dr. Bill)
Submitting your LFP Payment Model registration code (British Columbia)
Mass billing for your empaneled patients (British Columbia)
Downloading patient panels to submit to the BC Provincial Attachment System (PAS)
Billing for an out-of-province patient (British Columbia)