All Collections
208 articles
Duplicating a fee item on a bill
Multi-provincial billing
Third-party billing
Private billing
Creating a private bill
Collecting private bill payments
Writing off, discounting, or refunding private bills
Generating a PDF invoice
Creating third-party bills
Creating third-party and private billing templates
Creating a third party bill from an encounter note
Collecting payment and invoicing third party bills
Third party and private billing reports
Finding a patient from an invoice number
Configuring your private billing settings
Adding private billing products and services
Managing your products and stock
Private and third-party billing code templates
Third-party custom invoice templates
Variables for use in invoice templates
Configuring Stripe in the CHR
Customizing your insured payment settings
Assigning billing permissions to users
Creating payment tags
Diagnosis codes
Configuring account insured billing defaults and settings
Setting your default billing status
Customizing outstanding balance in the patient header
Public billing providers
Soft billing validation for insured payments (Alberta, PEI, Manitoba and BC)
Creating taxes
Linking diagnosis sets to payment issuers
Integrating your CHR account with MDBilling (Ontario)
Provincial billing workflow (Ontario)
Creating provincial bills (Ontario)
Creating provincial (OHIP) bills from encounters (Ontario)
Creating provincial (OHIP) bills from patient charts (Ontario)
Creating provincial (OHIP) bills from the Visits dashboard (Ontario)
Adding and modifying billing items (service codes) for your provincial bills (ON)
CHR billing statuses (Ontario)
Deleting provincial bills (Ontario)
Creating inpatient and outpatient provincial bills (Ontario)
Automatically validating health card information (Ontario)
Submitting provincial (OHIP) bills to MDBilling (Ontario)
Viewing transaction details of your submitted provincial claims (Ontario)
Submitting claims to the Ministry of Health (MOH) from your MDBilling portal (Ontario)
Submitting a remittance advice inquiry (Ontario)
Creating bills for uninsured patients during COVID-19 (Ontario)
Managing rejected bills from the Claims Error report (Ontario)
Correcting patient demographics on a bill (Ontario)
Viewing billing reports in MDBilling
Applying diagnostic codes from an encounter to a bill (Ontario)
Auditing provincial bills from the Visits dashboard (Ontario)
Enabling Service Location Indicator codes (Ontario)
Billing services to the Ministry of Health that are not linked to a patient
Billing for an out-of-province patient (Ontario)
Billing the Ministry of Health for annual Cumulative Preventive Care Bonuses (Ontario)
Provincial billing workflow (PEI)
Creating provincial (Medicare) bills from encounters (PEI)
Creating provincial (Medicare) bills from the Visits dashboard (PEI)
Creating provincial (Medicare) bills from patient charts (PEI)
Modifying a provincial bill's billing practitioner, location, specialty and other information (PEI)
Adding and modifying billing items (service codes) to your provincial bills (PEI)
Overriding fee amounts when creating provincial bills (PEI)
Applying after-hour premiums to bills (PEI)
Billing for an out-of-province patient (PEI)
Billing fee-for-service as a salaried physician (PEI)
Billing for out-of-province referrals (PEI)
Billing for a newborn baby without a provincial health number (PEI)
Billing for hospital and long term care visits (PEI)
Overriding CHR billing rules when creating provincial bills (PEI)
Reviewing and submitting provincial (Medicare) bills to Health PEI
Viewing transaction details in submitted claims (PEI)
Correcting patient demographics on a provincial bill (PEI)
CHR Billing statuses (PEI)
Auditing provincial bills from the Visits dashboard (PEI)
Reconciling provincial claims (PEI)
Managing refused claims (PEI)
Creating and submitting appeals to Medicare (PEI)
Setting up provincial billing for your account (PEI)
Creating provincial (MSP) bills (British Columbia)
Creating, reviewing and editing provincial (MSP) bills from the Visits dashboard (British Columbia)
Creating provincial (MSP) bills from encounters (British Columbia)
Creating or editing provincial (MSP) bills from patient charts (British Columbia)
Modifying a provincial (MSP) bill's billing practitioner, location and other bill details (British Columbia)
Adding and modifying billing items (service codes) for MSP bills (British Columbia)
Adding a referring provider to a provincial (MSP) claim (British Columbia)
Shadow billing for provincial (MSP) claims (British Columbia)
Adding a comment to a provincial (MSP) claim (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for no charge referrals (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for no charge referrals from referrals (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for time-based service codes (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for motor vehicle accident (ICBC) visits (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for duplicate claims - same day return visits (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for a newborn patient without a provincial health number (British Columbia)
Billing for an out-of-province patient (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for incarcerated patients (British Columbia)
Deleting unsubmitted bills (British Columbia)
Submitting claims to Teleplan (British Columbia)
Submitting provincial (MSP) bills created prior to Teleplan integration (British Columbia)
Teleplan Remittance Files (B.C)
Reconciling provincial (MSP) bills (British Columbia)
Managing refused and invalid provincial (MSP) claims (British Columbia)
Submitting debit requests to MSP (British Columbia)
Correcting a provincial health number (PHN) and updating a refused provincial (MSP) claim (British Columbia)
Managing partially paid provincial (MSP) claims (British Columbia)
Viewing a billing item's MSP Sequence number (British Columbia)
Initiating the GPSC Billing Portal
MSP remittance and cut-off dates
Integrating your CHR account with Teleplan (British Columbia)
Modifying a claim's submission code
Setting your default facility number for provincial (MSP) billing items (British Columbia)
Setting your default rural retention code for provincial (MSP) billing items (British Columbia)
Configuring your default service location code (Teleplan)
Dr. Bill Billing Integration (BC)
Configuring your default service location code (Dr. Bill)
Submitting your LFP Payment Model registration code (British Columbia)
Mass billing for your empaneled patients (British Columbia)
Downloading patient panels to submit to the BC Provincial Attachment System (PAS)
Billing WorkSafeBC from the Visits dashboard for visits requiring a form 8/11 (British Columbia)
Billing WorkSafeBC from encounters for visits requiring a form 8/11 (British Columbia)
Generating a PDF copy of a WorkSafeBC form (British Columbia)
Billing WorkSafeBC for no-form visits (British Columbia)
Tracking WorkSafeBC claims and payments (British Columbia)
Population-based funding (British Columbia)
Configuring population-based funding in the CHR (British Columbia)
Registering or de-registering patients for population-based funding (British Columbia)
Managing proposed patient registration changes for population-based funding (British Columbia)
Viewing a patient's population-based funding registration status (British Columbia)
Viewing a patient's population-based funding registration history (British Columbia)
Manitoba Health Billing integration (MB)
Provincial billing workflow (Manitoba)
Creating provincial bills (Manitoba)
Creating provincial bills from encounters (Manitoba)
Creating provincial bills from the Visits dashboard (Manitoba)
Creating provincial bills from patient charts (Manitoba)
Modifying a provincial bill's billing practitioner, location and other bill details (Manitoba)
Adding billing items (service codes) to provincial bills (Manitoba)
Managing and reconciling provincial claims (Manitoba)
Billing for an out-of-province patient (Manitoba)
Submitting provincial bills to Manitoba Health (Manitoba)
CHR billing statuses (Manitoba)
New Brunswick Medicare Claims Entry (MCE) billing integration
Provincial billing workflow (New Brunswick)
Creating provincial (Medicare) bills from encounters (New Brunswick)
Creating provincial (Medicare) bills from patient charts (New Brunswick)
Creating provincial (Medicare) bills from the Visits dashboard (New Brunswick)
Modifying a provincial bill's billing practitioner, location, specialty and other information (New Brunswick)
Adding and modifying billing items (service codes) to provincial bills (New Brunswick)
Adding a referring provider to a provincial bill (New Brunswick)
Applying extended hour premiums to bills (New Brunswick)
Billing for an out-of-province patient (New Brunswick)
Billing for hospital or long term care visits (New Brunswick)
Reconciling provincial claims (New Brunswick)
Reviewing and submitting provincial bills to New Brunswick Medicare
Managing refused claims (New Brunswick)
CHR billing statuses (New Brunswick)
Submitting claims to Medicare Claims Entry (MCE) for predetermination (New Brunswick)
Medicare Claims Entry (MCE) remittance and cut-off dates (New Brunswick)
Overriding CHR billing rules when creating provincial bills (AB)
ClinicAid Billing Integration
Integrating your CHR account with Alberta H-Link
Provincial billing workflow (Alberta)
CHR billing statuses (Alberta)
Creating provincial bills (Alberta)
Creating provincial (AHCIP) bills from encounters (Alberta)
Creating provincial (AHCIP) bills from the Visits dashboard (Alberta)
Creating provincial (AHCIP) bills from patient charts (Alberta)
Adding billing items (service codes) to provincial bills (Alberta)
Applying modifiers to billing items (Alberta)
Modifying a provincial (AHCIP) bill's billing practitioner, location and other bill details (Alberta)
Billing for a newborn patient without a provincial health number (Alberta)
Billing for hospital or long term care visits (Alberta)
Billing for an out-of-province patient (Alberta)
Adding a referring provider to a provincial bill (Alberta)
Submitting provincial (AHCIP) bills to H-Link (Alberta)
Submitting provincial bills created prior to the H-Link integration (Alberta)
Managing and reconciling provincial (AHCIP) claims (Alberta)
Managing partially paid or paid-at-zero bills (Alberta)
Managing refused or invalid bills (Alberta)
Managing cancelled bills (Alberta)
Correcting errors in completed bills (Alberta)
Deleting provincial bills (Alberta)
Viewing transaction details of submitted provincial claims (Alberta)
Managing bills and payments using analytics dashboards (Alberta)
Integrating your CHR account with Workers' Compensation Board (Alberta)
Creating Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) first reports (Alberta)
Creating Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) progress reports (Alberta)
Generating a PDF copy of a Workers' Compensation Board form (Alberta)
Submitting Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) claims (Alberta)
Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) visits and forms (Alberta)
Processing Workers’ Compensation Board batch return files (Alberta)
Downloading and processing Workers’ Compensation Board payment remittances (Alberta)
Creating Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) C568 medical supplies invoice form (Alberta)
Creating Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) C568A medical consultation form (Alberta)
Creating Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) C569 medical supplies invoice (Alberta)
Creating Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) C570 medical invoice correction form (Alberta)
Applying corrections to Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) claims (Alberta)