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All CollectionsBillingProvincial (MSP) Billing (British Columbia)
Creating, reviewing and editing provincial (MSP) bills from the Visits dashboard (British Columbia)
Creating, reviewing and editing provincial (MSP) bills from the Visits dashboard (British Columbia)
Updated over 6 months ago

If you create, review and submit bills for provider(s), or if you are a provider who wants to bill from a list of appointments (for example, if you do all your billing at the end of the day), through the Visits dashboard, you can review and create bills from a list of appointments - without having to open patient charts.

๐Ÿ“Œ Note: If you're billing for a patient who does not have an appointment booked (for example, for a hospital visits), you can create a bill from the Insured Billing area of the patient's chart or the Billing dashboard. See Creating provincial (MSP) bills from patient charts (British Columbia) or Quick billing from the Billing dashboard.

โš ๏ธ Important: Before you can bill MSP through the CHR, the provider's user account must be set up to integrate with Teleplan. See Integrating your CHR account with Teleplan (British Columbia).


1. From the main menu, click Visits. The Visits dashboard appears with a list of today's appointments.

๐Ÿ’ก Tip: You can filter the Visits dashboard by location, date, provider, appointment type and status. See Filtering the Visits dashboard. You can also change the view of the dashboard. See Customizing the Visits dashboard.

2. Select an appointment from the list. An appointment information window appears.

๐Ÿ“Œ Note: if you click a patient's name instead of the appointment, the patient's chart opens in a new window.

3. Click the Insured tab.

4. Perform one of the following actions:

  • If you're creating a new bill, click Add Insured Payment

  • If you're reviewing or editing a bill that's already been created (for example, if the provider created the bill from the encounter), click the bill.

The New Insured Payment window opens.

๐Ÿ’ก Tip: You can use billing templates to speed up your billing process, in the top-right corner, click Template. For more information, refer to Using billing templates.

5. If needed, modify the Billing Practitioner, Service Date or other bill details. See Modifying a provincial (MSP) bill's billing practitioner, location and other bill details.

5. To add a billing item (service code) to the bill, click +Add Fee Item and, in the Edit Teleplan Billing Item window, complete the applicable fields. See Adding and modifying billing items (service codes) for MSP bills (British Columbia).

๐Ÿ’ก Tip: You can quickly bill previously billed service codes for the patient by clicking the clock icon next to +Add Fee Item. For more information, refer to Duplicating a fee item on a bill.

6. To save the billing item, click outside the Edit Teleplan Billing Item window. The service code is added to the bill.

7. To add additional service codes, click +Add Fee Item again.

8. To edit or delete a billing item, click it.

9. To add internal only notes to the bill (for example, to add notes for a billing clerk who reviews your bills before they're sent), in the Internal Notes field, type your notes.

๐Ÿ“Œ Note: These notes are not included in the submitted claim.

10. To submit the bill to MSP, at the top of the window, in the Status drop-down, select Ready to Submit, otherwise, leave Draft selected.

๐Ÿ’ก Tip: You can set the default status for new bills. See Setting the default billing item status for your account for more information.

11. Click Save. If the bill's Status is Ready to Submit and the CHR doesn't identify any errors, the claim is submitted to Teleplan today at 6pm and the claim status updates to Submitted.
If a bill is missing key information, such as a Billing Practitioner, an error appears and the bill is not saved or submitted. Fix the issue and attempt to save it again.

If the bill is missing information, such as a Service Code or PHN, it can be saved as Draft or you can enable Soft Validation. Soft Validation checks the bill against the provincial insurer instead of the local CHR validation, and allows you to save the bill to fix later. For more information see Soft billing validation for insured payments.

Updated September 9, 2024

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