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All CollectionsBillingProvincial (AHCIP) billing (Alberta)
Managing partially paid or paid-at-zero bills (Alberta)
Managing partially paid or paid-at-zero bills (Alberta)
Updated over 6 months ago

If you want to accept the partially paid amount, you can update the Billed amount to match the Paid amount, open the claim, and beside the billing item, click the card icon. The billing item status is updated to Paid and the claim status is updated to Completed.

If you want to dispute any partially paid or paid-at-zero bills, submit the claim for reassessment. Bills that were not paid in full display as Attention required with billing items flagged as Adjusted.


1. From the main menu, click Billing. The Billing dashboard opens with a list of bills created today.

2. Filter the list to display the bills you want to view or manage (see Filtering the Billing dashboard).

At the top of the window, click the white panel and set the filters:

  • Status: Attention Required

  • Insurer: Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan

  • Service Date: Set the service date range for which you want to view bills.
    💡 Tip: To filter bills by paid date, in the Search By list, select Paid Date.

  • Billing Practitioner: Select the providers for which you want to view bills.

  • Location: If your clinic has multiple locations, select the locations for which you want to view bills.

3. Click Apply. A list of bills appears.

💡 Tip: You can distinguish between partially paid bills and other Attention required bills by looking at the amount paid in the Amount column.

4. To open a bill, click its description.

💡 Tip: When you click the Patient column, the patient's chart opens instead of the bill.

5. Click the information icon next to the billing item, then the downward arrow next to the Paid transaction, and select one of the following actions:

  • Resubmit - Reassess, to ask AHCIP to reassess the claim by providing more information in the Supporting Text.

  • Resubmit - Change, to make changes to the bill (e.g. modify the fee code, diagnosis code, etc.) before resubmitting it.

📌 Note: When using the Change or Reassess action codes, you can’t make any changes to the patient PHIN, the physician identification, or the BA or locum BA numbers. You must delete the claim and submit a new claim. See Deleting provincial bills.

7. If you selected the Reassess action code, add supporting text:

a. Click Show Advanced Fields.

b. Click Edit Supporting Text.

c. In the Supporting Text window, enter any additional information you wish to have considered.

d. Click Update.

8. If you selected the Change action code, make any required changes to the bill.

9. Change the status of the bill to Ready To Submit and click Save. The bill is resubmitted to H-Link that day at 11 a.m. or 3:30 p.m.

Updated August 12, 2024

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