27 articles
ClinicAid Billing Integration
Overriding CHR billing rules when creating provincial bills (AB)
Integrating your CHR account with Alberta H-Link
Provincial billing workflow (Alberta)
CHR billing statuses (Alberta)
Creating provincial bills (Alberta)
Creating provincial (AHCIP) bills from encounters (Alberta)
Creating provincial (AHCIP) bills from the Visits dashboard (Alberta)
Creating provincial (AHCIP) bills from patient charts (Alberta)
Adding billing items (service codes) to provincial bills (Alberta)
Applying modifiers to billing items (Alberta)
Modifying a provincial (AHCIP) bill's billing practitioner, location and other bill details (Alberta)
Billing for a newborn patient without a provincial health number (Alberta)
Billing for hospital or long term care visits (Alberta)
Billing for Primary Care Physician Compensation Model (PCPCM) (Alberta)
Billing for an out-of-province patient (Alberta)
Adding a referring provider to a provincial bill (Alberta)
Submitting provincial (AHCIP) bills to H-Link (Alberta)
Submitting provincial bills created prior to the H-Link integration (Alberta)
Managing and reconciling provincial (AHCIP) claims (Alberta)
Managing partially paid or paid-at-zero bills (Alberta)
Managing refused or invalid bills (Alberta)
Managing cancelled bills (Alberta)
Correcting errors in completed bills (Alberta)
Deleting provincial bills (Alberta)
Viewing transaction details of submitted provincial claims (Alberta)
Managing bills and payments using analytics dashboards (Alberta)