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CHR billing statuses (Alberta)
Updated over a year ago

The TELUS Collaborative Health Record (CHR) uses statuses to indicate where your claim currently is in the billing process. There are statuses that apply before and after your claim has been submitted to AHCIP, and statuses that appear when a claim is returned from AHCIP.

Below is a summary of the Alberta billing statuses for claims and billing items that you can see and use when creating and submitting claims.

When you create a claim in the CHR, the default claim status is either Draft or Ready. See Changing the default billing status for your account for more information.

Claim Status



The bill is saved in the CHR. You can make changes to the bill.

When the claim is ready to be submitted to AHCIP, you must manually change the status of the claim to Ready To Submit.

Ready To Submit

The bill is complete (ready). It is automatically submitted to H-Link at 11 a.m. or 3:30 p.m. on that day.

The claim status then changes to Submitted.

⚠️ Important: Your claim will not be submitted to AHCIP until the encounter is signed.

Attention Required - with Invalid billing item status

When a bill is saved with status Ready To Submit, and the created bill cannot be submitted to AHCIP (e.g diagnosis code is missing, the provider is not integrated with H-Link, the health card number is invalid), the status changes to Attention Required - Invalid.

Submitted - with Sent billing item status

Once your claim is successfully sent to AHCIP, the status changes to Submitted.

📌 Note: You cannot change this status or edit the bill at this point.

Once AHCIP processes a claim, it is returned with a status of either Completed, Attention Required or Held.

Completed - with Paid billing item status

The claim was paid in full by AHCIP. Or, shadow bills submitted under an Alternative Relationship Plan (ARP) BA number are paid at $0.00 with no refusal or explanation codes.

If you need to make changes to a completed claim, see Correcting errors in completed bills.

Attention Required - with Refused billing item status

The claim was rejected and returned in error. You must fix it and resubmit it to AHCIP, or delete it. See Managing refused or invalid bills.

Attention Required - with Adjusted billing item status

The claim was returned and was partially paid or paid-at-zero. You make changes to the bill and resubmit it or ask AHCIP to reassess the bill. See Managing partially paid or paid-at-zero bills.

Held - with Held billing item status

The claim requires manual review and is being held by AHCIP. You can’t make any changes to bills with the held status.


If you send a Delete claim and it is accepted by AHCIP, the claim status changes to Cancelled.

📌 Note: You can also manually change a bill status to Cancelled or Completed, depending on your clinic’s workflow.

Updated March 25, 2024

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