Whether you're billing from an encounter, the Visits dashboard, or the Insured Billing area of the patient's chart, the process for adding billing items (service codes) to a bill is the same. From the Billing dashboard, you can also open bills and modify billing items as long as the bill's status allows you to edit the bill.
1. Start a bill from an encounter, from the Visits dashboard or from the patient's chart. If you're editing a bill, open the bill from the Billing dashboard.
2. Perform one of the following actions:
If you're billing from an encounter, at the top of the Billing Items area, click Insured Billing.
If you're billing from the Visits dashboard, click +Add Fee Item.
If you're billing from the Insured Billing section of the patient chart, click +Add Fee Item.
If you're modifying a billing item, click the billing item.
The Edit Alberta HLink Billing Item window opens.
3. Using the following table, complete the applicable fields.
Field | Description |
Code / Description | 1. To search for the service code:
2. In the list of matches, select the code you want.
💡 Tip: To set a service code as a favourite, in the list of matches, select the star icon beside the code. Every time you create a bill, starred favourites appear first in the Code/Description search list. |
Base Amount | The fee amount for the code you selected is automatically populated. You can edit the amount if needed.
📌 Note: The amount in this field does not take into account the provider's specialty. Specialists can hover over the EQ icon that appears next to the field to view the true billed amount.
The correct amount is also displayed in the New Insured Payment window in the background. |
Calls | Number of times the code is billed. Defaults to 1. |
Modifiers | Explicit fee modifiers (up to 3) applied to the service.
The CHR uses the modifiers in conjunction with the fee code to determine the amount payable.
Only modifiers that can be used with the selected fee code are available in the list. For this reason, always enter the fee code before you select a modifier. |
Units | Number of times the modifier is applied, if applicable. |
Diagnosis Codes | Diagnosis codes recorded in the Assessment section of the encounter, may be pre-populated in the bill (if your billing settings are set to do so).
Otherwise, enter the diagnosis code, or start typing a description to search for and select a diagnosis code from the list.
Another search field appears, prompting you to enter another diagnostic code. Enter another code or click inside the Edit Alberta HLink Billing Item window to exit the search field.
You can add up to 3 diagnosis codes.
💡 Tips:
📌 Note: Certain service codes must be billed with a diagnosis code. A warning appears when you try to save the bill in the Ready to Submit status without including a required diagnosis code. |
Service Date | If you started the bill from an encounter (that was started from an appointment) or from the Visits dashboard, the Service date matches the appointment date.
If you started the bill from the patient's chart, the date defaults to the date you created the bill.
To change the date, click the calendar icon and select a date, or enter the date in the field. |
Time Spent (Minutes), Start Time and Finish Time | If your insured payment settings Fill start time from the linked appointment and Fill finish time from the linked appointment are enabled and your bill is linked to an appointment, the start and finish times automatically populate based on the linked appointment times. The Start Time matches the appointment's scheduled start time, while the Finish Time is calculated by adding the appointment type's duration to the start time.
These settings are enabled by default. To disable them, refer to Customizing your insured payment settings.
If you started the bill from the patient's chart, the Start Time defaults to the time you create the bill.
The Time spent (minutes) field automatically populates based on the difference between the Start Time and Finish Time.
To change a time, enter the time in the field. |
Facility | Your default facility (set in your billing settings) is selected. If the service was performed at another facility, select it from the list. 💡 Tip: Click the star to add a facility to your favourites. When you click the Facility field, all of your favourites appear, and are at the top of the list when searching.
Start typing the name of the facility to search the list.
📌 Note: If the facility is a hospital, by default, no tray fee is applied. To apply a tray fee, in the Advanced Fields, select Override Tray Fee.
Conversely, if the facility is an office, the tray fee is applied by default. Select Override Tray Fee to remove the tray fee. |
Functional centre | Functional centre within the facility where the service was performed, if applicable. 💡 Tips:
Other Location | If the service was not performed at a registered facility, this field is automatically populated if you selected a Location other than your default clinic location.
The default value for another location (school, patient's home, or virtul visits) is set in the providers’ HLink integration. To set it up, contact the TELUS Health support team through the in-app support bubble. |
Referring Practitioner | Select this checkbox and enter the name or billing number of the provider who referred the patient to you, if applicable. For more information, see Adding a referring provider to a provincial bill.
📌 Note: If the patient has a referring practitioner recorded in their chart, the provider is automatically added when you select the checkbox.
💡 Tip: To have the Referring Practitioner checkbox selected by default, in Start/Open > Insured Billing, click the gear icon beside the New Payment button and select By default show advanced fields with referral practitioner (BC MSP, AB Hlink). For more information, refer to Customizing your insured payment settings. |
4. Select Show Advanced Fields to view additional fields.
Field | Description |
Admission date | If the service selected is a hospital visit (03.03D), select the date the patient was admitted to the hospital. See Billing for hospital or long-term care visits. |
Encounter | If the provider has seen the patient more than once on the same day, indicate during which visit (first, second, third, etc.) the service was performed.
Select a value (1-9) in the list. |
EMSAF | Select this checkbox if the service has an added level of complexity and you want to claim a higher rate through the Extraordinary Medical Services Assessment Fund (EMSAF).
You are required to provide additional information. You can explain the circumstances using the Supporting text. |
Good Faith | Select this checkbox to submit a good faith bill for a patient who is eligible for healthcare, but doesn't yet have a PHN number. |
Claim Amount Override | Select this checkbox if you are claiming a different amount than the normal amount paid for the service. |
Confidential | Select this checkbox if the patient asked that the service remain confidential. The service will not be displayed on their Statement of Benefits Paid. |
Override Tray Fee | Select this checkbox to remove or add the tray fee (implicit modifier).
If the facility is a hospital, by default, no tray fee is applied. Select Override Tray Fee to apply a tray fee.
Conversely, if the facility is an office, the tray fee is applied by default. Select Override Tray Fee to remove the tray fee. |
Paper Supporting Documentation | Select this checkbox if you are sending additional paper documents in relation to the claim. |
Override Rules | Select this checkbox if you need to override override the rules for fee codes, diagnosis required, referral required and gender restrictions. |
Newborn and Mother's PHN | If the patient is an infant who hasn't yet received a provincial health number, select one of the available codes.
You must also enter the Mother's PHN.
Pay to code | Identifies the person or organization that is to receive the claim payment. The provider’s default Pay To code is selected by default, and in most cases is set to BAPY - Business Arrangement (meaning the payment will go to the provider’s BA number). To send the claim to another Pay to code, select another code from the list:
Intercept reason | If the payment for the claim is to be intercepted by Alberta Health (e.g. not to be mailed directly to the payee), select PKUP - Hold for pickup.
📌 Note: This code cannot be used if the Pay to code is BAPY. |
Locum BA | If you are performing the service as a result of a Locum arrangement with a second provider, enter the BA number of the provider you are working for. |
Pay to ULI | If you selected Other as the Pay to code and you know the Unique Lifetime Identifier (ULI) of the other person, enter the ULI in this field. |
Orig. facility | The facility where the encounter with the patient occurred, if different from the facility where the service was performed (such as specimen/procedure or blood sample/ECG/X-ray taken in one facility and tested/interpreted in another). Enter the code of the facility in this field. |
Orig. location | This field should only be used if the encounter with the patient occurred somewhere other than where the service occurred, and that location is not a registered facility (home, school or other).
If the code OTHR is selected, the exact location must be provided in the supporting text.
⚠️ Important: The Orig. facility and Orig. location can't both be used on a single claim. |
Edit supporting text | To send additional information to AHCIP regarding this billing item:
5. To save or update the billing item, click outside the Edit Alberta HLink Billing Item window. The service code is added to or updated in the bill.
Updated January 27, 2025