When you create bills in the CHR, they are saved as Draft or Ready to Submit status, depending on the default billing status for your CHR account. Refer to Changing the default billing status for your account.
If your default status is Draft, you must manually change the status to Ready To Submit so that the bills can be submitted to New Brunswick Medicare.
You can modify your bill before it is submitted to New Brunswick Medicare, i.e. when it is in Draft status. Once a claim has a status of Submitted, you cannot make any further changes.
๐Note: You can send a claim to Medicare Claims Entry (MCE) for validation without actually submitting it for assessment. Once you get a response from MCE, you can submit the claim for payment. For more information, refer to Submitting claims to MCE for predetermination.
The CHR submits all bills with a status of Ready To Submit to New Brunswick Medicare immediately. Once accepted, the status of the Insured Payment and fee items changes to Submitted, and you can no longer modify the bills. The status remains as Submitted until the electronic reconciliation file is received and processed the Monday following the statement date.
Steps (to manually submit bills to New Brunswick Medicare)
๐ Note: You can manually submit an insured bill to New Brunswick Medicare from an encounter, from the Visits dashboard or from the Insured Billing section of the patient's chart. If you have many bills to submit, we recommend you use the Billing dashboard.
1. From the main menu, click Billing.
2. To see all claims with a Draft status, filter the Billing dashboard.
Status: Draft
Insurer: New Brunswick Medicare
Applicable Service Date
Billing Practitioner(s)
A billing report appears.
๐ Note: If you created the bill from an encounter, and the default status is Ready to Submit, when you sign the encounter, the bill is automatically submitted.
3. Click on a bill.
The Edit Insured Payments window opens.
๐ Note: You can modify the bill, if required. Refer to Adding and modifying billing items (service codes) to your provincial bills.
4. Click in the Status field and select Ready To Submit.
5. Click Save.
๐ Note: The bill's status remains Ready to Submit until the bill is sent to New Brunswick Medicare and the status changes to Submitted.
6. To view where in the submission process the claim is (transactions going out and coming in), open the claim and click the information icon at the top-right corner of the billing item field. A Transaction Details window appears.
๐ Note: If the claim cannot be submitted, the status changes to Attention Required and the individual billing items have a status of Refused. Fix the issue. Once there are no errors, change the claim status back to Ready to Submit and re-submit the claim to New Brunswick Medicare. Refer to Managing refused claims for more information.
Updated August 23, 2024