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All CollectionsBillingProvincial (MSP) Billing (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for a newborn patient without a provincial health number (British Columbia)
Billing the province (MSP) for a newborn patient without a provincial health number (British Columbia)
Updated over 3 years ago

If a newborn patient has not yet received a Provincial Health Number (PHN), you can bill MSP using the Mother's PHN.

⚠️ Important: As a first step, add the infant as a patient in the CHR (see Adding a patient) with the following information:

  • Under Identifications, select MSP and add an arbitrary identification value (e.g. 9999999999)

Replace the patient's MSP number as soon as they receive their official PHN.


1. Start a bill from an encounter, from the Visits dashboard or from the patient's chart. If you're editing a bill, open the bill from the Billing dashboard.

2. Add a billing item or click to edit a billing item. See Adding and modifying billing items (service codes) for MSP bills (British Columbia).

3. In the Edit Teleplan Billing Item window, select the Advanced Fields check box.

4. In the Advanced Fields area, select the Newborn checkbox.

5. In the Mother PHN field, type the mother's provincial health number.

📌 Note: Do not add any additional numbers (i.e. 66) to the Mother's PHN. The CHR sends the correct format automatically on submission.

Updated: January 10, 2022

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