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Enabling patients to select a reason for visit when requesting appointments
Enabling patients to select a reason for visit when requesting appointments
Updated over a month ago

⚠️ Important: If you are using TELUS Collaborative Health Record (CHR) Connect, this option is always enabled.

If your clinic uses the eBooking feature, when patients book appointments online, you can require them to select a specific reason (presenting issue) for their visit. The reason is then linked to the appointment as its presenting issue.

The reason is then linked to the appointment as its presenting issue.

There are several benefits in requiring patients to complete this step:

  • If the selected reason is linked to an encounter template, when the provider starts the visit, the encounter template loads automatically.

  • If the selected reason has previsit Qnaires attached, the patient is automatically prompted to fill them in.

  • Only the appointment types applicable to the selected reason appear as options in the next step.

  • It helps determine the time required for the appointment. For example, the presenting issue of Annual Physical may require a 20-minute appointment, while Rx Refill may require only 10 minutes.

  • It is useful for initial appointments and for linking Qnaires. For example, an initial consultation appointment type may ask the patient to fill out a general history questionnaire, while a presenting issue of Knee Pain may require the patient to fill out a knee pain questionnaire. This allows you to get as much information about the patient's medical history or problem prior to the appointment.


1. From the main menu, click Settings > Scheduling > Extra.

2. In the Display Presenting Issue Selection (eBooking) field, choose Enable.

4. Click Submit.

5. Refresh your browser for the changes to take effect.

📌 Note: For each presenting issue (or reason for visit) that you want to make available for patients, ensure that you select at least one appointment type (service) that patients can choose when they select the presenting issue. For more information, refer to Creating presenting issues (reasons for visit).

Updated September 5, 2024

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