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Viewing a patient's medications
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From the Medications area of a patient's chart, you can view a list of medications the patient is currently taking and medications the patient has taken in the past. This includes any medications prescribed by providers outside of your clinic, and over-the-counter medications the patient takes that you recorded in the patient's chart (see Recording externally prescribed medications).

📌 Note: The Medications area is different from the Prescriptions area of the chart. The Prescriptions area displays only prescriptions for the patient that were created from your TELUS CHR (i.e. you or someone in your clinic wrote a prescription to provide to the patient or pharmacy). You cannot record externally-prescribed medications from the Prescriptions area. The Medications area is a list of all a patient's current and past medications, whether they were prescribed by someone in your clinic or prescribed elsewhere. You can create a prescription from the Medications area as well as record externally-prescribed medications, and over-the-counter medications.


1. Open the patient's chart and then open the Medications list from one of the following:

  • From the Dashboard view, Quick Menu > Medications.

  • From the Summary view, click the right arrow beside Active Medications.

  • Start/Open > Medications.

2. By default, the patient's Current (active) treatments are displayed.

📌 Note: Current treatments include any treatments that have technically "ended" (i.e. were not renewed following the end date), but were marked as Continuous.

3. If the treatment is linked to a specific condition or diagnosis, the condition is shown below the treatment name.

4. Beside each treatment, a timeline graph provides a visual indicator of when the treatment started and ended.

💡 Tip: Click the Timelines toggle to hide the timelines. This setting is remembered for your user for all patients. Click the Timelines toggle again to show the timelines.

5. Click a treatment to view the start date and duration. Click the start date to view complete recorded dosing information for that medication.

6. To view all the patient's past and current treatments together, at the top of the window, click All.

7. To view only the patient's past treatments, click Past.

💡 Tip: While you're reviewing a patient's treatments, from the Medications window, you can:

Updated May 16, 2024

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