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CHR Release Notes - version 22.1

February 2, 2022

Updated over 2 years ago


Sorting medical conditions in a patient's chart

📌 Note: You must have Health Profile enabled to sort medical conditions in patient charts. For more information, see Health Profile.

If a patient has a long medical history, you can now order it based on what you consider are their most significant diagnoses'. Or, if you're a consultant in an interdisciplinary clinic, you can display the diagnosis that you're treating for this patient at the top of their list of medical conditions.

You can now perform this sorting in the patient chart summary view, in addition to within the Health Profile, which was released in November 2021. We added drag indicators to the Medical History section of the summary view and Health Profile. Regardless of where you perform the sort, it applies to both areas.

📌 Note: When you reorder these items, it only applies to your profile and will not change the order for other users, which is ideal for diverse clinical teams. This is just another way in which we are making healthcare more collaborative!

Printing more than one patient label at a time

When printing patient labels, you can now specify how many labels to print (maximum 20). This is very useful when you edit a patient label and need to print more than one.

For more information, see Printing patient labels.

Archiving injection templates

You can now keep your list of templated injections clean without having to delete templates that you might need again in the future! Within Settings, you can now archive injection templates instead of deleting them entirely from the CHR. If you ever need an archived template in the future, you can simply restore it. For more information, see Managing clinic-wide frequent injections.

PEI Billing - Fee code update

We updated certain billing fee codes. Depending on your specialty, when you add the codes to your bill, more facility types appear in the dropdown list to select from.

Bug Fix

Below is a bug we identified and fixed in this release. For more information, contact our TELUS Health support team.

  • In PEI, when a claim has a status of Cancelled and then is subsequently paid, the status will now update to Paid.

What's new in the CHR help

Here’s what we recently added to the CHR help (

Inbox message templates

Do you want to customize your internal communication and save time? You can find updated information on creating and using inbox message templates in our help here.

Miscellaneous updates

Scheduled time of update: Evening of February 1, 2022

No preparation is required in advance of the update. All CHR update activities are managed by TELUS Health via a zero-downtime rolling deployment in the CHR’s cloud infrastructure, which allows the system to operate without interruption of service during updates.

No data migration is required as part of this update.

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