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Saving OLIS lab reports
Updated over a week ago

Results from a patient query are displayed in a preview window, and are not automatically downloaded to the patient's chart. You must manually review each lab report and decide whether to save it, or remove it.

Once you save a report, it is downloaded and stored in the patient’s chart and appears in your CHR Inbox. Once you remove a report, it is hidden and you can no longer act on it (i.e. save it). You may want to remove reports that you never intend to save to a patient's chart to minimize clutter when running future queries. Saved and removed lab reports remain in the OLIS database.

Lab reports can be saved as a whole but specific results can also be saved at Test Request and Test Result levels. For example, you may want to save only a patient's CBC results (test request), or specific test results that were done as part of the CBC, such as Hemoglobin or Hematocrit.

📌 Note: If the patient demographics in the CHR do not match those in OLIS, you cannot save lab reports to the patient's chart. See Matching a patient in OLIS for more information.


1. After running a query (see Downloading lab reports from OLIS for a single patient), in the preview window, choose which lab results to save to the patient's chart.

📌 Note: If you are viewing the Summary or Detailed view, you cannot save lab results. See Previewing OLIS lab reports for more information on the different views.

  • To save the entire lab report, click the Save Report (checkmark) icon on the far left.

  • To save a specific Test Request or a specific Test Result, click the Save Report (checkmark) icon in the appropriate column.

  • To save more than one Test Request or Test Result, click the checkbox in the appropriate column. Once you have selected the specific test request or results, click Save Multiple Results.

📌 Note: Use Save Multiple Results only if you are picking select test requests or test results and don't want everything.

⚠️ Important: When you save specific test requests or test results, you cannot save other parts of the report to the patient's chart in the future unless the lab sends an updated report. You can return to view the entire report in the preview window but you cannot act on it. For example, if you choose to save only Hemoglobin and Hematocrit from the patient's CBC results, you cannot later save the other results from the CBC.

2. If you are a provider, a message appears asking if you want to sign-off (mark as reviewed). Select Yes or No.

3. The report is saved. Several things occur as part of the save process:

  • The report is removed from the list in the OLIS preview window and red text appears at the top of the window indicating that the report was excluded because it has already been added to the EMR from this preview. See Previewing OLIS lab reports for more information.

  • The report is saved in the Patient Files section of the patient's chart.

  • You receive a message in your Inbox.

  • If you are a provider and selected Yes to sign-off, the lab report is marked as Reviewed in Patient Files and the message in the Inbox is grey.

📌 Note: The message is sent to the Inbox of the user who saves the lab report. If you are a staff member saving the report on behalf of a provider, you should forward the message from your Inbox to the provider.

4. To remove a lab report or specific results from the preview window:

  • Click the Remove Report (x) icon on the far left to remove an entire lab report.

  • Click the Remove Report (x) icon in the appropriate column to remove a specific Test Request or a specific Test Result.

📌 Note: Once you remove the report, you cannot save it to the patient's chart (i.e. the checkmark icon on the left is gone).

💡 Tips:

  • To save all lab reports in the preview window to the patient's chart and your Inbox, click Save All at the bottom-left corner of the window.

  • To remove all the lab reports from the preview window, click Remove All at the bottom-left corner of the window.

5. Close the OLIS preview window when you are finished.

Updated June 2, 2022

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