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Previewing OLIS lab reports
Updated over a week ago

When you perform an OLIS query for a patient's lab results, the results display in a preview window and are not automatically downloaded to the patient's chart. From this preview window you can:

  • sort and filter the results

  • view and print an HTML version of the report

  • change to a Summary or Detailed view of the report

  • save reports to a patient's chart or remove a report from the list (see Saving OLIS lab reports)

  • view previously saved (duplicate) or removed reports.

📌 Note: If the patient's health number, date of birth, or gender is different in the CHR than in OLIS, a warning message appears and no OLIS results are returned. For more information, see Matching a patient in OLIS.


1. Run a patient query (see Downloading lab reports from OLIS for a single patient). The preview window opens.

Lab reports meeting the criteria of your query are displayed. Each row is a lab report with a unique accession number. Lab reports contain test requests, and each test request can contain multiple results. Abnormal results appear in red.

Reports that have been saved to the patient's chart already (either previously or from the current preview window) or were removed are listed at the top of the window in red. See Saving OLIS lab reports for more information.

If a lab report is blocked at the patient's request, a message appears in red at the top and indicates that not all results have been returned due to a patient consent directive. For more information, see Managing private and blocked OLIS lab reports.

2. To navigate between pages of results, click the Previous or Next buttons in the bottom-right corner.

💡 Tip: you can change the number of reports displayed per page by changing the number in the Show entries list.

3. To sort the reports by a specific column (e.g. Lab Name, Discipline etc.) click the arrows at the top of that column.

4. To narrow down the results in the preview window for efficiency, you can filter by Category (e.g. Microbiology), Reporting Lab, Performing Lab, Result Status, Abnormal, Test Request Code, and Test Request Status (e.g. partial or final).

📌Note: The lab and result fields show only the ones available in the report (e.g. only reporting labs that are contained in the results are included in the Reporting Lab list).

5. To view saved reports, click Show Duplicate Reports. The reports reappear in the list with a green Duplicate header.

6. To view removed results, click See Removed Results. The reports reappear in the list with a pink Removed header.

7. To view the full lab report in HTML, click the notepad icon to the left of the report. The report opens in a new window.

💡 Tip: Click Print to download the report as a PDF version.

8. To change the view, click either Summary or Detailed at the top-right of the window.

Detailed view:

Summary view:

9. To start a new OLIS query, click Search at the top-right corner of the window. This brings you back to the main OLIS query window. See Downloading lab reports from OLIS for a single patient.

10. If you do not need to run the same query again in the future with the same criteria, you can delete the preview. Click Delete Preview at the bottom-left corner of the window. This preview no longer appears in the Previews menu list when querying OLIS.

Updated June 2, 2022

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