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All CollectionsCHR ReleasesCHR Release Notes 2023
CHR Release notes - version 23.21
CHR Release notes - version 23.21

October 24, 2023

Updated over a week ago

What’s new in the CHR


Control chart and encounter access by user group and prevent unintentional lockouts

When you edit patient chart or encounter access permissions, a new Custom option lets you add users by user group(s) and individually.

We’ve also redesigned the Accessibility tab to make it easier to search and select individual users and make confirming access more intuitive.

To reduce the risk of unintentionally removing your own access to a patient chart while editing chart or encounter note access permissions, the system now automatically selects your account when you limit access to specific users.

As another layer of protection, if you deselect your account the system now warns you that you will lose access after saving.

Patient chart export includes all records by default

Chart export now starts by showing all available data without a date range limit. This is particularly helpful for charts that may contain migrated data with date ranges in the year 1900.

To limit the export by date range, deselect the new Show All Records option in the upper right and click the date range.

For more information, visit Printing or exporting patient charts.

Interface improvements to the loading animation, Profile, and Settings > Taxes

The system loading animation no longer covers the main menu. You can now click the main menu to navigate to other areas while the loading spinner is active.

In your Profile, the fields for Landing page and Units are now under the Preferences tab, instead of the Profile tab.

Settings > Taxes now uses clearer labels and button styles as part of our ongoing usability and design improvements.

Role-based access: Granular permissions for prescriptions

For clinics with role-based access control (RBAC) enabled, you can now set specific user permissions for prescriptions. This improves data security and privacy for patients while providing more flexibility to create customized roles and access levels for users.

The new Prescriptions permissions you can set are All, List, Read, Create, Update, Sign, Print, and Cancel. Previously access to prescriptions was controlled by the Patients permission.

So that no functionality is lost, all users with the Patients permission now automatically have the corresponding Prescriptions permission. For more information, refer to Role permission options (role-based access control).


Below is a list of bugs we have identified and fixed in this release. For more information, contact our TELUS Health support team.

  • You can now open a group visit appointment from the Visits window.

  • You no longer need to dismiss an empty alert when you create an internal message to a group.

  • When you add an allergy as an attachment, you can now filter by the severity option "No Reaction".

  • If you rename a file attached to a referral, the referral now displays the file's new name.

  • You can now modify an existing scheduled or recurring Qnaire without receiving an error.

  • A deleted address no longer appears in the address field of a patient's Dashboard if it was deleted from Patient Data > Demographics.

  • You can once again print the lab trend graph and table from the graph view of a lab result accessed from Start/Open > Lab Results.

  • In the patient summary, configuring the Lab Results section to display a specific lab result no longer prevents that lab result from appearing as a configuration option in flowsheets or other widgets.

  • To be consistent with other areas of the CHR, Lab Results, Latest Lab Results from Patient Summary, Inbox lab results, lab trends, and lab result PDFs now use the domain settings for date format.

  • Observation date displayed in Inbox or Patient Files now displays the observation date value instead of the current date.

  • Long private bill descriptions displayed in the patient portal no longer overlap dollar values on a mobile device.

  • When a patient makes a payment through the portal, the credit card company logos now load properly.

  • A phone number for SMS two-factor authentication can only contain a maximum of 15 characters consisting of numbers and the + or - symbols.

  • Single-select and multi-select fields for case, patient data, referral data, and form data templates no longer group comma-separated values into one selectable option. You can also enter multiple values as separate lines.

  • If the Case Closed Reasons field is left blank in Settings > Case, when you set a case's status to Closed, you can once again type a Closing Reason as free text.

  • From the billing dashboard, paid claims no longer show outdated statuses if the insured payment is edited in the CHR before being updated through the billing integration.

  • You can now create a private billing item if the Due Date Period was never set in Settings > Billing.

  • A user that receives the Archive patient permission through a role can now archive patients when the permission is also selected for the individual user profile.

  • Users with the Patients permission now also require the Merge patients permission to merge charts.

  • A user with the Patient Chart/Encounter Accessibility Controls permission can once again access a restricted encounter note after providing a reason.

  • Role-based access: A user with the permission Patient Chart/Encounter Accessibility Controls no longer also requires the Encounters: All permission to access Accessibility from an encounter.

  • PEI: For clinics using location-based access, you no longer receive an error when trying to change the location for a locked encounter note. The ability to change a location is only accessible for unlocked encounter notes.

  • PEI: If soft validation is enabled, you can no longer save a bill in an invalid state if one or more fee codes on the bill have already been sent to Health PEI. This prevents mismatches on the bill between the CHR and Health PEI.

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