Patients can securely complete Qnaires while at your clinic on a tablet or cell phone that you provide for your patients to use and that is set up with the TELUS Collaborative Health Record (CHR) Intake. Their responses are sent to the selected provider's inbox and are saved in their chart.
TELUS CHR Intake is an app that you download from the app store onto your clinic''s mobile device. You log in to the app with your CHR domain address (such as, along with your email address and CHR password. To ensure patient privacy, you must enter a clinic-wide 4-digit password to access all parts of the app (see Logging into the TELUS CHR Intake).
⚠️ Important: To ensure data security, all CHR users must enter a clinic-wide passcode to access any aspect of the app. Patients can therefore only see and complete their assigned Qnaires and cannot see other patients' information or Qnaire responses.
Commonly-used Qnaires with the TELUS CHR Intake include:
Intake Qnaires
Patient satisfaction surveys and follow-up questionnaires
Clinically validated questionnaires such as PHQ9
Live risk assessments
Collection of pre-visit medical histories
New patients can also register by answering basic demographic questions before completing their assigned Qnaires.
If patients cannot complete their assigned Qnaires (for example, they are called from the waiting room to see a nurse for vitals), you can save and retrieve the incomplete Qnaires at a later stage. See Saving and retrieving incomplete Qnaires.
Patients can choose between English and French instructions in the app, if enabled in your CHR settings. See Customizing TELUS CHR Intake.
📌 Note: Your CHR account must already have providers and published Qnaires before you can use TELUS CHR Intake.
Updated March 6, 2022