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CHR Release Notes - version 22.4

March 17, 2022

Updated over 2 years ago


Include or exclude encounter diagnoses from patient medical history

When you add diagnoses to encounters, they are automatically added to the patient’s medical history. This can lead to unintentionally saving multiple variations of the same condition in the medical history. You can now, on the fly, select which diagnosis to include or exclude from the patient’s medical history by simply enabling or disabling a new toggle. The diagnosis is added to the medical history once you sign the encounter. Along with the recently added ability to customize the order of items in medical history, this is all part of an effort to make this section of the patient summary clean and meaningful to you.

For more information, see Recording an encounter diagnosis.

💡 Tip: By default, the toggle is disabled. If you prefer to have it enabled by default, you can configure itin your profile settings (avatar > Profile > Update diagnoses in medical history by default). For more information, see Modifying your user preferences.

Archiving patient forms

To address every patient’s ongoing safety, you can now archive as well as reactivate forms directly from patient charts. This helps with inadvertently deleted forms by keeping track of all forms added to a patient’s chart. In Patient Forms, simply click Archive to archive a form.

📌 Note: In Patient Forms, you can view or restore archived forms from the Archived tab.

Visual feedback when searching for patients

The loading icon, introduced in a previous release, that shows the status of your patient search is now available wherever you search for a patient in the CHR. For example, searching for patients in a new referral, by date of birth or when merging charts.

Inbox enhancements:

  • Default Inbox view for new users: Currently, a new user’s inbox view shows a list of all inboxes within your CHR. This view can be overwhelming for new users as it shows everyone’s inbox items and messages. With this new feature, new users added to your CHR see only their own inbox. They can concentrate on their own inbox workflows and adjust their default view as they become more comfortable and familiar with the inbox.

    📌 Note: The default view isn’t changed or affected for existing users. However, you can still filter your inbox to only view your own inbox items.

  • Inbox window sizing is remembered: When viewing inbox items or messages, the CHR now remembers your preferences when you resize the window by dragging its edges or corners.


Below is a list of bugs we identified and fixed. For more information, contact our TELUS Health support team.

  • Restricted encounter content isn’t visible to restricted users in Summary view.

  • Addressed an issue whereby editing a recently saved prescription didn’t show the changes on the prescription or the prescription’s PDF.

What's new in the CHR help

Here’s what we recently added to the CHR help (

  • Adding a new provider (Ontario)

    Do you have a new provider joining your clinic in Ontario? Check out this article for a list of all the tasks you need to do to add the provider to your CHR.

  • Privacy and security

    Do you know about the privacy and security features that you can implement to protect patient data? Take action today and read about the various CHR privacy and security features.

  • New tutorial videos and eLearning course on encounters for providers
    We published a new Encounters eLearning course for providers to help them explore how to start encounters and record patient data, and how to view and use Qnaires during encounters.

    We also published a new collection of 11 Encounters tutorial videos in our video library.

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