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CHR Release notes - version 23.5

March 21, 2023

Updated over 2 years ago

What’s new in the CHR


Creating label templates

You can now create and use label templates to print different standard size labels, or to customize the content of the label. For example, you can create a bloodwork label or an appointment label.

📌Note: Only users with the Templates: Label permission can create or edit label templates.

For more information, refer to Creating Label Templates.

Relocated scheduling template settings

To quickly access all of your scheduling settings in one location, scheduling templates are now available from Settings > Scheduling > Templates (instead of Settings > Templates). You can now also search the list of Vacation Schedule Templates.

📌Note: You must have Templates: schedule permission to access the scheduling templates. For more information, refer to User permissions.

Recording a user’s occupation and medical specialty

You can now record a user’s occupation and, if they are a medical doctor or resident, their specialty.

📌Note: You must have Edit other users permission to record a user’s occupation.

To update these details for a user, refer to Updating users' general profile information and settings.

PEI: Location-based access

⚠️ Important: These features must be enabled by TELUS Health so the changes may not be immediately visible in your system. If you want them enabled, please contact your clinic administrator.

Location-specific encounter templates

In Settings > Template > Encounter, you now see only global encounter templates and templates for locations you have access to.

And when creating encounter templates, you must now select a location. You can set the template to be global (available for users at all locations) or a specific location. The list of locations shows only the locations you are a member of.

📌Note: You can attach a presenting issue only if the template is a global template. This prevents someone booking an appointment for a presenting issue that is linked to an encounter template for a location they don’t have access to.

Also, when starting an encounter and selecting a template, you see only templates for locations that you are a member of.

📌Note: All existing encounter templates are set to global and available to users at all locations.

Location-specific scheduling settings

In Settings > Scheduling > Hours, you can select a location to see the hours only for practitioners in the selected location. Also, the day of the week icons were updated to provide further visual indication as to the location and hours. A dark grey icon indicates the provider has working hours set, but at a different location than the currently selected one.

PEI billing: fee updates

Several fee codes were updated with the new amounts from the April 1/2022 dental tariff update.


Below is a list of bugs we have identified and fixed in this release. For more information, contact our TELUS Health support team.

  • When opening or marking a forwarded message as done, it no longer affects the other forwarded messages and keeps them in unread status.

  • When opening incoming referrals that have been waitlisted, an error message is no longer received.

  • When entering a deceased status in patient demographics, the age no longer increases after the date of death.

  • When printing PDF files, the patient’s gender now correctly displays in the PDF header.

  • When entering encounter notes after stopping medications from the encounter, your notes no longer temporarily disappear when the encounter is auto-saved.

  • When entering a medication with an end date and the display timeline enabled, the timeline now displays at the current date.

  • When inviting new users, creating a new contact, filtering a schedule or sending a Qnaire from a patient’s chart, the Nurse Practitioner (NP) title option is now present.

  • When changing the referral status to Accepted, the Book Now button opens the schedule and you can now filter.

What's new in the CHR help

Here’s what we recently added to the CHR help:

  • Learn more about updating patient demographics, including additional demographics such as adding a secondary Additional Contact or updating the patient Status to deceased.

  • CHR now supports the Longitudinal Family Physician (LFP) Payment model in British Columbia. To support your reporting and analytics for this new payment model, refer to LFP billing reports dashboards.

  • In Alberta, B.C, PEI and Manitoba, we support soft billing validation. Soft billing validation allows you to save an insured bill with validation errors. You can opt to have this feature enabled or disabled.

Updated March 21, 2023

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