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Completing a prenatal record (Alberta)
Updated over a week ago

To track your prenatal patient’s obstetrical history and manage them accordingly, your CHR is configured with the following items. We recommend you use these when managing your patients:



Prenatal Record (AB) form

This form is configured to automatically pull patient demographics, ordering provider information and patient data from the patient’s chart into the form. You can add or update information in the form and, once you save it, the information is saved in the patient chart. Refer to Using electronic forms for more details.

⚠️Important: Add this form only once to the patient’s chart. You can update it throughout the patient's prenatal care.

💡 Tip: To keep track of the Prenatal Record (AB) form, create custom form statuses, for example, Prenatal-In Progress and Prenatal-Complete. When you are actively using the form mark it with the status Prenatal-In Progress and once it is complete, update the form status to Prenatal-Complete.

Pregnancy Management and Women’s Health patient data

An estimated delivery date (EDD) and gestational age (GA) calculator in the summary view of the patient’s chart, under Embedded View

This calculator estimates the patient’s EDD and GA based on the timing of their last menstrual period.

💡Tip: If you cannot see the Embedded View section in the patient’s chart summary, add it. Refer to Customizing the patient summary for more information.

Obstetrical History Intake Qnaire

This Qnaire is designed to reduce the administrative tasks the provider has when completing an initial prenatal encounter. It collects information on the patient’s LMP, whether the patient’s cycles are regular, and most data points under the Women’s Health > Obstetrical History patient data property (including Gravida, Term, Preterm, Abortus - Planned, Abortus - Spontaneous, Living, Stillbirth, NND and Ectopic fields).

Patient responses are automatically saved into the Women's Health data set of the patient’s chart. This data is then linked to the Prenatal Record (AB) form.

You can attach this Qnaire to the initial prenatal appointment type (refer to Attaching pre-visit Qnaires to appointment types), or you can complete it with the patient during their first prenatal visit.

⚠️Important: Do not change the name of this Qnaire. If TELUS Health updates the form in the future, these updates will not apply to your Qnaire.


1. From the patient’s booked initial prenatal appointment, start the encounter and select any template you want to use.

💡Tip: You can create an initial prenatal visit appointment type and attach the Obstetrical History Intake Qnaire to it. Refer to Creating and modifying appointment types and Attaching pre-visit Qnaires to appointment types.

2. If your clinic uses the Obstetrical History Intake Qnaire, the Update Information Requests window appears. Update the patient data if necessary and Confirm and Apply all the information.

The data from the Qnaire populates the patient data fields Menstruation and Obstetrical History, in Women’s Health.

💡Tip: You can personalize the summary to display what you want to see, in the order and format that matters most to you, without affecting other users. Refer to Customizing the patient summary.

3. In the Patient Data section of the patient summary, complete the Menstruation and Obstetrical history sections:

a. If they are pre-populated from the Qnaire, confirm and make necessary edits.

b. If you do not use the Obstetrical History Intake Qnaire, complete the Menstruation and Obstetrical History fields manually.

4. Document your encounter notes as you normally would. Refer to Recording encounter notes.

5. Add the Prenatal Record (AB) form:

⚠️Important: Only add this form once, at the initial prenatal visit. You should have only one active form per patient pregnancy.

a. From the encounters’ Attachments section click + Add Form.
b. In the Select Form Template window, search for and select the Prenatal Record (AB) form.

c. In the Auto Fill Templates window, ensure Patient Data is highlighted (blue) and click Apply.

d. Review and update the form.

e. If you update or change information in the form, at the bottom-left corner, click Update Template Data to update the information in the patient chart.

f. Click Save.

The form now appears in the patient’s encounter as well as in the patient summary and the patient’s chart under Forms.

6. To automatically calculate the estimated delivery date (EDD) and gestational age (GA):

a. Ensure patient data, Pregnancy Management > Pregnancy confirmed is set to Yes and that you have an LMP recorded in Women’s Health.

b. In the Embedded View section of the patient summary, click the more icon and select Clear cache and refresh.

The EDD and GA Weeks display in the Pregnancy Information section.

c. To view the Revised EDD and Revised GA enter a value in the Pregnancy Management > EDD/EDB - Final field.

d. Click the more icon and select Clear cache and refresh.

Revised EDD and Revised GA display in the Pregnancy Information section.

7. When you see your patient for their follow-up prenatal visits, complete their encounter and update the Prenatal Record (AB) form that you added at the initial prenatal visit.

📌Note: There are multiple ways to access the prenatal form in the patient’s chart. The quickest way is from the Summary view. If you do not see the Forms section in the patient summary, personalize the summary to display what you want to see, in the order that matters most to you. Refer to Customizing the patient summary.

💡Tip: When you open an encounter, view it next to the patient summary so that when you update patient data or the prenatal form, you can do that while the encounter note remains open.

Created April 17, 2023

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