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CHR Release Notes - version 23.25
CHR Release Notes - version 23.25

December 19, 2023

Updated over a week ago

What's new in the CHR


Letter formatting improvements

We’ve made several improvements to the format of PDF letters. They are now easier to read and clearly identify the cc’d providers and the title of the sending provider, for a more polished and professional letter. The improvements are:

  • If you have a Title recorded in your profile, the title is now included in the header and the signature.

  • Any cc’d providers are positioned below the sending provider’s signature, instead of at the end of the body of the letter.

  • If you include credentials in footers, your credentials are now sized appropriately and do not overlap other text.

The body of the letter and the signature are left-aligned. 📌Note: Ensure your signature image has no white space around it, in order to appear left-aligned.

Sorting lab results chronologically

In the Lab Results section of the patient’s chart, you can now choose the order that the lab results are listed - Chronological or Alphabetical. The default is Alphabetical view.

To make the lab results easier to read, the Last Done date is now clearly visible in a separate column. And the lab categories are no longer included below the lab test name.

To change the sort order, click the gear icon on the right. The sort order you select is saved until you change it.

For more information, refer to Sorting lab results.

Consolidated labs when attaching a lab result to a referral

When attaching a lab result to a referral, the labs are consolidated by accession number. Duplicate lab results on the same date are eliminated, making it easier to read and select the appropriate lab result. This aligns with how labs are grouped in Patient Files.

User interface enhancements

When selecting any tab in Settings > Personal information, the loading spinner no longer covers the entire page. We now show placeholder content while you wait for the specific tab to load. You can select another tab before the original one has loaded, if necessary.

To be more inclusive of non-physician providers, the button in the Service Provider field for external referrals and the Ordering Provider field in incoming and internal referrals was renamed to +New Provider (replacing the previous +New Physician).

Ontario: Viewing all errors for health card validation

When a patient’s health card is automatically validated, you can now see all errors and MOH messages in the tooltip. Previously, if there were any errors with the patient data (such as a name mismatch between the CHR and the MOH), you had to fix these errors before the MOH messages were shown. Now you can see any MOH messages such as expired health card even if the patient’s data does not match the MOH.

For more information, refer to Automatically validating health card information.

Role-based access: Granular permissions for some Health Profile sections

You can now set specific user permissions for the Medical History and Surgical History sections of the Health Profile. These permissions affect any areas where you can view medical and surgical history, such as in the patient summary and risk factors. This improves data security and privacy for patients while providing more flexibility to create customized roles and access levels for users.

The new Medical History and Surgical History permissions you can set are All, Read, Create, and Delete. Previously, access to these sections of the Health Profile was controlled by the Patients permission.

So that no functionality is lost, all users with the Patients permission now automatically have the corresponding Medical History and Surgical History permission. For more information, refer to Role permission options (role-based access control).

Streamlined account information entry for TELUS CHR Support account

For the TELUS CHR Support account, the General tab is now included with the Account information settings instead of the Personal information settings. This better reflects the information that is recorded in this tab (i.e. general information for the entire CHR domain and not specific to a user).

📌Note: Access to this tab is restricted to only the TELUS CHR Support account. Contact the TELUS Health support team through the support chat for more information.


  • When creating a new patient chart or updating an existing one, the Loading status no longer appears over the entire window.

  • When sending a message to a patient (Start/Open > Message Patient), a list of clinic users no longer appears. Your cursor is placed in the Title field.

  • If you record vitals via Patient Data and record multiple entries for the same vital within a 30 minute time period, all recorded vitals in that time frame now show on a graph and in the Examination section of an encounter. Previously only the latest recorded vital was shown. Additionally, when viewing the history of a vital, you can delete only the most recent record.

  • Deleted vitals no longer appear in graphs.

  • On a merged patient chart, the Last Updated values shown in Patient Data > Vitals no longer mix up the dates and times between the original and merged chart.

  • You can now view image files (.png and .jpg) in Inbox messages that you receive from another user in the clinic.

  • All matching lab results are now listed when searching for a lab result in Patient Files.

  • When values on a lab report have the same result status (e.g. “F” for “Final”), the status is now shown only on the first line. Also, the statuses no longer have a black background and the font colour is now grey - in both the chart and the PDF export of the lab report. The result statuses show only for some lab distributors.

  • Ontario: When creating a bill, the Quantity no longer reverts to 1 if you also enter Time Spent (Minutes) or Finish Time. Similarly, the Time Spent (Minutes) and Finish Time are not cleared when you enter a Quantity.

  • PEI: For users with PrescribeIT® enabled, an error no longer appears when re-prescribing an existing medication that has PRN selected.

  • For clinics using role-based access control (RBAC), if a user does not have permission to access encounters, they can no longer select encounters when attaching patient files (such as to a referral) or when exporting a patient chart.

What's new in the CHR help

Here’s what we recently added to the CHR help:

The TELUS CHR questionnaire engine (Qnaires) is a dynamic system designed to engage patients. From Viewing Qnaire responses, to sending and signing, learn all about using Qnaires in our new collection of help articles.

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