eLearning courses, training videos, webinars and tips
Training videos, eLearning courses, requirements, setup, logging in, navigation, passwords, configuration, adding new providers, and how to contact us.
Discover new features, improvements, and fixes in our latest releases
Health profile, Encounters, Letters, Allergies, Forms, Prescriptions and medications, Injections, Flowsheets, Navigating patient charts, Patient demographics, Patient dashboard, Patient privacy, Patient summary, Patient data, Patient files, Cases and Patient settings
Navigating the schedule, Appointments, Group visits, Appointment notifications, Presenting issues. Scheduling Settings: Vacations, Appointment types, Locations, Tags, Rooms, and Configuring eBooking.
Navigating and using the visits dashboard, Billing from the visits dashboard
Billing dashboard, Stripe, Billing settings, Third party and private billing, Provincial billing (OHIP, Medicare, MSP, WSBC, MH, AHCIP)
Navigating your inbox, Messaging, Message templates, Managing incoming documents, faxes and Qnaires.
Using, managing and building Qnaires. Question types, Qnaires and patient data, scoring and provider alerts in Qnaires.
Tips, troubleshooting, virtual visits 2.0 with pathways enabled and 1.0 without pathways enabled.
Using pathways for virtual and physical visits; viewing, actions, adding patients, chat, tasks, tags, customizations and settings.
Point of care app, patient portal, UpPatient and the patient appointment booking site.
Electronic lab reports, OLIS, HRM, and Configuring lab integrations
Settings, incoming, outgoing, eReferrals and waiting lists.
Form, letter, cover page, encounter and message templates
Adding, modifying, searching, and deleting facilities and contacts
Analytics dashboards; viewing, filtering, exploring and downloading. Chronic disease management, and standard dashboards.
Your profile, preferences, settings and user specific security.
Account-wide settings; managing users and their permissions, fax, printer and security settings, logos, data exports and role-based access control.
Starting a new conversation, adding / removing members, group conversations and muting notifications.
Release notes, pairing a device, using and navigating CHR mobile. Patient charts, appointments, scheduling and messaging with CHR mobile app.
The TELUS Collaborative Health Record (CHR) Enterprise Application Programming Interface (API) enables you to create your own integrations for tools you build or purchase from other vendors.
Software features currently in testing with a small segment of users.
All user-centric pre go-live implementation topics, including data migrations.