⚠️ Important: This is currently a beta feature. It will be available once the beta period is complete.
By default, you see your inbox with all Active inbox items. You can filter your inbox to view only the desired user inboxes and inbox item types so you can focus on items that are important to you or have a higher priority.
💡 Tip: If your inbox is taking a long time to load, filtering it helps it load faster.
The system saves your configured filters, so you don't need to set them each time you check the inbox.
You can select more then one filter at a time, for example, you can filter to see labs received last year for a specific patient.
💡 Tip: You can also sort the contents of your inbox, for example sort by Priority to view items requiring immediate attention at the top. For more information, refer to Sorting the inbox.
From the main menu, click Inbox.
All of the inbox filters appear at the top of the inbox. Click a filter type to apply it. When it’s applied it's blue.
To remove a filter, click the x within that filter.
Click Reset in the top-left corner to restore the default settings.
Refer to the table below for guidance.
Filter types
Filter | Description |
User inbox | You can filter to see specific users' inboxes, or user groups.
The inbox filter is divided into two tabs, Members and Groups.
📌 Note: The Groups tab appears only when your clinic has user groups set up and filtering on them is enabled (refer to Creating user groups). 💡 Tip: To view the members of a group, click the arrow icon beside the group name. 💡 Tips:
Status | You can filter by status: Active, Snoozed or Done.
📌 Note: Done items are automatically filtered to show only the past seven days. |
Date | The inbox shows items for all dates by default, but you can filter by a specific date, or a date range.
📌 Note: You cannot select multiple individual dates.
For Active items, the date filter uses the received date. 📌 Notes:
For Snoozed items, the date filter uses the snoozed until date.
For Done items, the date filter uses the marked done date. |
Patient | You can filter to see inbox items assigned to specific patient charts.
The patient search works the same as in other areas of the CHR, for example by Name or Identification.
Once selected, a checkmark appears next to the patent's name; you can select multiple patients.
Click the patient's name a second time or the x beside their name to remove them from your selection.
Once set, the filter field displays the selected patient's name. If multiple patients are selected, it shows the number of selected patients. |
Type | You can filter to see one or more types of inbox items.
Once set, the filter field displays the selected types. You can filter by:
Category | You can filter to see relevant categories.
This is especially helpful when you have different types of files or faxes and you want to quickly differentiate them.
📌 Note: Click + Category in the Category column to select a category for an inbox item.
Once set, the filter field displays the selected categories. 📌 Note: Category is hidden by default, If you would like it enabled contact the TELUS Health support team through the in-app support bubble (see Contact us). |
Read/Unread | By default, both read and unread inbox items are shown. However, you can choose to see only Read or Unread items.
Updated March 17, 2025