The Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS) is a repository connecting hospitals, community laboratories, public health laboratories, and practitioners to facilitate the secure electronic exchange of laboratory test orders and results.
With TELUS Collaborative Health Record (CHR), you can communicate with the OLIS system to retrieve laboratory results. You can:
Manually retrieve lab reports for a single patient. See Downloading lab reports from OLIS for a single patient.
Preview lab reports. See Previewing OLIS lab reports.
Selectively process lab results by saving them to the patient's chart or removing them from the preview. See Saving OLIS lab reports.
📌 Note: When retrieving lab reports for a patient, they are displayed in a preview window and are not automatically imported into the CHR. You have to manually choose which lab results you would like to save to the patient chart.Handle blocked content and overrides. See Managing private and blocked OLIS lab reports.
For information on setting up your clinic to receive OLIS results, see Getting connected to OLIS.
Updated June 2, 2022