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Navigating the CHR
Updated over 6 months ago

The main menu along the left side is your home base for all functions. Here, you can choose from a number of modules, enabling you to access the various clinical, practice management and software configuration tools. Hover your cursor over an icon to see the name of the module.

📌 Note: Depending on your system configuration and user permissions, you may not see all of these modules.




The Homepage provides an overview of the items that you typically need to action first in your day, such as the schedule, unsigned encounters and requested appointments.


Pathways helps a clinic better manage patient visits, be it physical or virtual. It allows you to view and move patients through various phases of care, or care pathways, within your clinic workflow.

This icon is visible only if it was activated for your clinic. For more information, refer to Pathways.


The Visits dashboard is also referred to as a virtual daysheet or patient list for the day.

Here, you can see your patients and appointments for the day, access patient charts, start your encounters, and add billing items.

The Visits dashboard is an optional but recommended feature that can optimize provider workflows. If the Visits icon is not visible in your system, contact the CHR team.

For more information, refer to Overview of the Visits dashboard.


The Inbox is where all of your incoming communication takes place. Everything from lab results to interoffice communication to patient Qnaire responses to faxes (if you have Integrated eFax) are stored here.

Think of the Inbox as your personal to-do list of tasks that require an action. You should try to minimize the outstanding items you have remaining in your inbox.

For more information, refer to Inbox.


The Outbox shows your outgoing correspondence for the day, including sent messages, sent Qnaires, patient portal messages, and outgoing faxes.

For more information, refer to Outbox.


Chat is an internal instant messaging platform. Use Chat if you just need to send a quick communication to another user, need a quick reply, and do not need to attach the message to a patient chart.

For more information, refer to Instant Chat.


From the Schedules you can view your appointment schedule, or someone else's, by day and by week. You can quickly navigate to specific dates to book appointments for patients, and book appointments that are not patient-related, such as staff meetings and drug rep visits.

For more information, refer to Schedules.


Patients is where you can search for a patient in your system and access their chart.

All your opened patient charts appear on the left, allowing you to quickly access previously-opened patient charts. The right side of the window lists all patients.


Visible only to users who have permission to edit Qnaires.

Lists all the Qnaires available in the system (published and unpublished). From here, you can create new Qnaires or edit existing ones.

Digital questionnaires (Qnaires) automate patient engagement and collect patient data using responsive and customizable questionnaires that can be completed on site, in a clinic or remotely at predefined intervals.

For more information, refer to Qnaires.


You can manage your Incoming, Internal and Outgoing referrals from within this module, including creating waitlists and custom referral statuses.

For more information, refer to Referrals.


The Contacts module is your address book within your CHR. You select an addressee from your contact list when choosing a patient's Family Doctor or Referring Practitioner; sending a letter, form, or referral; or billing a third party.

For more information, refer to Facilities and contacts.


Opens the Billing dashboard, where you can manage all bills created in the CHR. Refer to Billing.


The CHR includes Settings that let you customize your software. Some settings are specific to a single user while others are clinic-wide. The settings available to you depend on your user permissions.


This icon is visible only if it Analytics is n activated for your clinic and your user was granted permission.

Analytics dashboards allow you to analyze the data in the CHR and generate reports and graphs. They are created by the CHR data team when requested.

A number of standard dashboards are available and can be uploaded to your domain by contacting the support team. Custom dashboards can also be developed based on your needs.

For more information, refer to Analytics.

Updated June 7, 2024

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