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CHR Release notes - version 24.1

January 16, 2024

Updated over a year ago

What's new in the CHR


New built-in PDF viewer and editor

We updated our PDF viewer and editor in the CHR to provide a more intuitive and seamless experience. The navigation options at the top of all patient documents in the CHR have changed, and you can now add annotations to patient documents. (For more information about annotating, refer to Adding annotations to patient documents, below.)

With this update, the workflow for editing patient documents is more efficient and user-friendly. When splitting a document, you no longer click Split at the bottom of the document but, instead, click the Document Editor icon.

For more information, refer to Splitting a patient document.

Adding annotations to patient documents

With the new built-in PDF viewer and editor in the CHR, you can now add annotations to PDFs and image files, making it easier to add notes, highlight important information, and collaborate with colleagues. For example, when you receive a prescription refill request from a pharmacy, after you record the change to the prescription in the CHR, you can quickly add text and a signature to the document from your inbox and send it back to the pharmacy immediately.

When you open a PDF or image file from your Inbox or the Patient Files section of a patient chart, you can access the annotations tool at the top of the document. For more information, refer to Adding annotations to patient documents.

📌 Note: You can only annotate documents that are assigned to a patient.

💡Tip: You can view the original document without annotations in the Patient Files section of the patient chart.

Manually entering a patient’s lab results

You can now manually enter lab test results in a patient's chart. This is useful if you received the report as a fax or have scanned in a paper copy of the lab report, or you do not receive electronic lab reports from a specific lab provider. Manually entering lab results ensures you can graph these along with the other results and you have a complete view of a patient's lab results in one location.

You can add lab results from several areas of the patient's chart, as well as from the Inbox. Open the Lab report preview window from one of the following locations:

  • The patient Summary > Lab Results > click the + icon.

  • The patient Dashboard > Quick Menu > Lab Results > click the + icon.

  • Start/Open > Lab Results > click +Add lab results.

  • Start/Open > Patient Files > open an existing PDF and click +Lab results.

  • From the Inbox, open a file and click +Lab results.

Lab test result mapping improvement

📌 Note: For users in PEI, this feature must be enabled by TELUS Health so the changes may not be immediately visible in your system.

We have improved the way laboratory tests are handled in the CHR.

Lab results are often named slightly differently depending on the electronic lab distributor they are received from (e.g Hemoglobin, Haemoglobin, Hb). Previously, we relied on manual configuration to map different names for the same tests to a common name (e.g. Hb mapped to Hemoglobin). However, this approach did not account for lab test results with different group heading names and had the risk of mapping errors.

The CHR now uses a built-in lab synonym mapping that has been validated by expert clinicians. This mapping ensures standardization and allows lab tests to be graphed together regardless of their names or group headings. It also future-proofs the CHR as new lab test names are released.

To ensure a seamless transition, all existing lab test names in the CHR have been updated to match the new standardized synonyms and common name. You do not need to do anything to start using the new mapping.


  • The new global lab synonym list uses the long form name in many cases. When searching for a lab result variable, try typing the long form name of the lab result instead of the short name or abbreviation. e.g. Type Hemoglobin instead of Hb.

  • Your templates using the previous common or short name lab result variables will still work. If you are editing a template or creating a new one, you must use the new common (long) name.

For more information, refer to the Lab synonym mapping FAQ.

Sorting lab results logically

In the Lab Results section of the patient’s chart, in addition to sorting the lab results chronologically or alphabetically, you can also sort them logically.

In Logical view, the lab results are grouped by medical relevance. For example, all blood work is grouped together and all cholesterol levels are grouped together.

To change the sort order, click the gear icon on the right. The sort order you select is saved until you change it.

For more information, refer to Sorting lab results.

Collapsing the patient sidebar

To maximize screen real estate, you can now collapse the patient sidebar and focus on specific tasks without distractions.

When open, the sidebar is renamed to Opened patients (previously Patient List). When the sidebar is collapsed, the patient chart links appear as small, colour-coded circles with the patient's initials.

The Available Mass Actions icon is replaced with a kebab (3 dot) menu and the Patient Folders icon is moved to the top right of the window beside the filter icon and only visible when viewing All Patients.

📌Note: When pathway cards are open, we recommend keeping the sidebar expanded so you can see the full pathway.

Stopping multiple medications at once

You can now select multiple medications and discontinue them all at once with a single reason.

In the Prescriptions area of a patient's chart or an encounter, add a new prescription and click this patient's medications.

To stop a medication, select the checkbox beside each medication you want to stop, or select the checkbox at the top of the window beside Medications to select all the medications at once. Click Stop to continue with the process. For more information, refer to Stopping medications.

We made several improvements to reduce noise and streamline the medication list to display the most clinically relevant information.

  • The Manage Medications window is renamed to Patient's Medications to align with the prescription pad.

  • New columns display medication status such as Last prescribed date and Stopped date.

  • Arrows on the far right side expand to show hidden medication details.

  • Action buttons previously at the bottom were removed since they acted as a save function and did not provide any additional functionality.

Role-based access: Clearer permission denied messages

For clinics using role-based access control (RBAC), permission denied error messages are now more informative and user-friendly.

When accessing a patient chart or other areas of the CHR and you encounter a Permission denied error, the CHR now provides specific information about the error. You can quickly identify and address the root cause, such as a required permission or a missing patient from your resource set.

📌Note: If you are unable to resolve the issue and there is an error code listed in the error message, take a screenshot and contact the TELUS Health support team through the support chat for assistance.

Ontario: Archived MDBilling claim status update in the CHR

When you archive claims submitted to the MOH in the MDBilling portal, the claim status of the insured payment in the CHR now automatically updates to Cancelled. Previously, the claim status was marked Held.

Ontario: Adding an admission date to a bill

In the Insured Payment window, when creating an MDBilling claim, you can record an Admission Date. Similar to the service date, you cannot select an admission date in the future.

You can record the admission date in the CHR, but you will still need to edit the claim in MDBilling to add the institution for inpatient and outpatient bills.

📌Note: We are working with MDBilling to add the facility/institution for billing from the CHR.


Below is a list of bugs we have identified and fixed in this release. For more information, contact our TELUS Health support team.

  • We made performance improvements when batch uploading a large number of documents to the Inbox.

  • You can now add attachments from any section of a patient chart when editing an existing message.

  • When searching for a patient, the Family Doctor (GP) or Primary Practitioner (PP) text is now wrapped and displays an ellipsis for text longer than two lines.

  • In the Summary view of the patient chart, a blue dotted line now appears when dragging a section to reorder the summary, so you can easily see where you are moving the section to.

  • When you click the arrow in the bottom-right corner of the inbox item to mark the item as done and go to the next item, it no longer opens an inbox item that you previously marked done.

  • When you edit the name of a file in the Update Received File window, the name is immediately updated to the new file name without having to manually refresh.

  • British Columbia: Quarterly billing fee codes now display on the correct dates in the CHR.

  • Ontario: The CHR now removes spaces and special characters in the provincial health number (PHN) field when submitting claims to MDBilling, enabling successful validation and claim submission.

  • Ontario: When an accession number is hyphenated, the full number now shows in Lifelab reports.

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